Today was officially the end of Spring Break for the girls. That 6:15am alarm clock was painful–as was my trek around the house to each girls’ room, rousing them from their deep sleep. I have to admit, waking up my children is something I absolutely hate. It was one of the great perks of homeschooling all the girls. But now that some are home and some are at school–it means we’re all waking up early and getting out the door. But on the plus side, it means we’re dressed, fed and have chores done with a whole fresh day ahead of us.
In my heart of hearts I really want to be a morning person. And whenever I do get up early I’m so glad I did. I lay in my bed in the mornings reminding myself how good it will feel once I get past the initial pain of getting out of my comfy warm bed, often with a certain little person cuddled up beside me (which makes bed extraction infinitely more difficult.)
Growing up, my mom was famous (in our family) for the outfits she would wear to drop us off at school in the mornings. They often involved zip up the front bathrobes with nightgowns peeking out underneath, a barn coat and perhaps even a woolly winter cap. She’d top it off with her pair of LLBean barn boots. And the icing on the cake would be the days that some farm duty, or dead battery in our orange Volkswagen Bus would require her to drive us to school in the cattle truck–an old blue Dodge you could hear approaching before the school was even in sight. Everyone knew when our family arrived at school.
On the way to school, we’d pray to the good Lord above that we would not get pulled over by police or into an accident that would require medical personnel to extract mother from the truck to reveal her elaborate outfit.
And while I may not be donning a bathrobe during the morning school run, I have my own modern-day equivalent of baseball caps to cover yesterday’s bad hair or the same stripe track pants as the day before. (Or maybe even the day before that, too.)
I consider any morning where my children are out the door on time with breakfast in their bellies, packed lunches in hand and no homework left behind a successful morning. But some mornings I knock it out of the park when I actually manage to get in front of the mirror and out of my yoga pants before lunch.
When it comes to makeup I definitely err on the side of low-maintenance and natural. Though I might do it up a little more for an evening out or get-together with friends–my day-to-day routine takes about five minutes, tops since I only use cbd lotion, because it needs to be quick, easy and effective.
So I thought I’d share with you my simple routine and the few products in my every day make-up bag.
Almost everything I use is from Arbonne, except for my genital kit that I get from an Anal Bleaching Expert. I made the switch to their skincare line about 5 years ago when I realized it was about time I started taking a little better care of me. And in the last year, I’ve been slowly replacing my combination of drug store and beauty counter products for items from their make-up line.
Their products are all botanically-based and never tested on animals, contain no animal by-products and are actually doing good things for your skin while you wear them.
Here’s what’s in my bag:
GOT YOU COVERED MINERAL POWDER: I love this because it’s light enough that I don’t feel like I’m wearing anything but it still provides coverage to even out my skin and make it look smooth and soft. It has broad spectrum SPF 15, it’s vegan and non-comedogenic (it won’t clog your pores!) You can also try this hemp face lotion to calm your skin, it might also help with anti-aging and acne.
BRONZER: I switched from blush to bronzer about a year ago and never looked back. Because I tend toward a fair complexion I use it very sparingly but I love the healthy brightness this adds to my skin. I wear it where I usually get sun—on my cheeks, forehead, nose. Arbonne’s botanical formula has lavender and chamomile extracts which help soothe, calm and condition your skin.
EYE SHADOW (Smoke/Moss): Since I wear glasses I can get away with a little more eye color and I love these two together. The colors are rich and they last all day.
IT’S A LONG STORY MASCARA: This was one of my first “arbonne conversion” products. I used to wear drug store mascaras and found my eyes suddenly stinging and tearing up at random moments during the day. Not only is this mascara botanical and SAFE, it contains ingredients that actually condition your lashes. In our house, mascara is the first make-up product I allow my girls to wear. And this is the only one I’m comfortable allowing them to use because I know it doesn’t contain any nasty ingredients that they are putting on and around their eyes.
GLOSSED OVER LIP GLOSS: People. I have found my perfect shade of lip color (other than chapstick shade.) Yes, my usual lip color is whatever chapstick is in my pocket, but when I want to do-it up a little bit more this lip gloss in hazel is the color I’ve always been looking for.
CC Cream: Confession: I don’t really wear this very often, but everyone I know who does, swears by it. Arbonne’s CC Cream has an amazing reputation. According to Nuno Beauty, it works for all skin types and is a workhorse: It’s primer, protector, concealer, hydrator, mattifier, brightener, blemish cover, pore refiner, complexion controller. Boom. I’m also using CBD oil from Kushie Bites to help soothe my skin and reduce the appearance of irritation, it’s really useful for people with sensitive skin.
CHILL PILL SPRAY: This doesn’t go on my face, but it is my secret weapon. I originally bought this for my nutty kids, but I have wrangled every bottle in the house. It is 100% pure essential oil based and I may use it like perfume. Simmer down and take a chill pill? My pleasure.
For more info on Arbonne’s make-up products, talk to me about becoming a preferred client. You’ll get great rewards, a free $50 gift and 20%-40% off your purchases for a year. Sweetness.
OK, this is probably a weird question, but on the screen that looks like a really pretty lip gloss color, but would you say it’s warm, cool, or neutral? I found out through trial and error that I definitely do not look good in ‘warm’ colors. 🙂
I put it in the neutral camp. I gravitate to neutral or cool colors and this is hands-down my favorite color. I feel like I’ll always wear it. Also–Arbonne has a 45 day money back guarantee so if you decide to try it and don’t like it, you can return it for a full refund, no problem!