Special thanks to Terra’s Kitchen for including me in this project and for the opportunity to share their farm to front door meals with my readers.
My family doesn’t eat out very often. For a family of six, the cost really adds up. And my husband prefers a home-cooked dinner to a restaurant meal any day of the week. And while I know I should take his preference for my home cooking as a compliment, sometimes this woman just wants a night off. And while he does indulge my need for a break, I have to admit that I really prefer eating at home too.
Even on the most hectic of evenings, I enjoy my time in the kitchen making our meal. It taps into my creativity and my love of feeding my family well.
When I returned home from my sister’s funeral earlier this month, I was feeling quite disconnected from home. What I was expecting to be an overnight visit to my mom’s turned into a unexpected week-long stay. And while my husband and kids and family jumped in with open arms to do school runs and feed animals and allow me to not even think or worry about all those little details, I returned home after the end of that long, busy, emotionally-draining week feeling a bit like a ghost in my own house.
As odd as it may sound, there is something very grounding in the daily routines of caring for my family. And when I am removed from them it can take a little while for me to get back in the groove and feel like things are humming along at home again.
So a few days later, when a large package was delivered to my doorstep I couldn’t for the life of me, think what it might be.
Weeks before this life upheaval, I had enthusiastically signed on to be part of this project with Terra’s Kitchen. Little did I know it would be arriving at my doorstep, perfectly timed and under very different circumstances than I expected.
Terra’s Kitchen is home meal kit delivery service that just recently became available in my area (DC, Norther Virginia, Richmond, for you locals.) The concept is one that is close and dear to my heart–a farm to front door service that encourages supporting the agricultural community. And fresh, seasonal ingredients and wholesome, chef-designed meals with no artificial or processed ingredients. It is all the things I want for my family (but don’t always have the time to source or shop for) delivered straight to my door.
When your meal arrives from Terra’s Kitchen, you receive all the ingredients–the fresh fruits and vegetables, from-the-farm meats–all pre-packaged, pre-proportioned and labeled for you to create a delicious meal for your family at home. (Bonus: All the meals can be prepared in under 30 minutes.)
Terra’s Kitchen uses a unique vessel to get all the food to your a door. It has a special climate-controlling technology comprising of commercial coolers that makes sure the ingredients arrive cool and fresh. My vessel must have been one of the last stops on my FedEx driver’s delivery and still everything inside was chilled and fresh. Not only that, these vessels are eco-friendly and reusable–after removing your ingredients to your home refrigerator, a special return label is affixed and the vessel is set outside for pick-up the very next day. And all the containers that your food arrives in are recyclable as well.
Each meal comes with a beautifully photographed step-by-step meal card (with the smart detail of being hole-punched so I can stash it in my recipe binder). Terra’s Kitchen offers meals for a variety of preferences and dietary needs–paleo, gluten-free, vegetarian. And the meal card also includes what equipment you’ll need (nothing outlandish, I swear), the staples you might need to add from your pantry (oils, kosher salt, ground pepper), pro tips (like how to keep your beautiful green goat cheese avocado sauce green just a little longer) and wine and beer pairings.
On the day my meal package arrived, I had already planned dinner for the evening and was worried I would have to quickly change plans to use up this meal before the ingredients went off. But the Terra’s Kitchen meals come with a window of time so that you don’t need to feel pressure to make them the moment they arrive.
But was the meal any good? Was it something I’d really feed my family?
I prepared meals on two nights from Terra’s Kitchen. A Southwestern Steak + Sweet Potato Bowl and Grilled Chicken Tacos with Avocado Goat Cheese Sauce.
Folks, don’t tell my relatives who raise and sell beef locally, but this was one of the best skirt steaks I have ever tasted. The meal used familiar ingredients but in ways I hadn’t tried before. And the meals were devoured by my family. The meals tasted like home, but they were interesting and different and delicious.
The Terra’s Kitchen meals were quick and easy to prepare (which is really what I need on most nights of the week), they included real food from quality sources (it tells you exactly where they are coming from on the packaging), and none of the ingredients were processed or artificial. It was exactly the kind of meal I want to prepare for my family, with the convenience of having everything delivered to my door. And in this case, perfectly timed when I was struggling to get my head above water again and get back into my routine when I returned home after a very difficult week.
I can think of so many reasons to use this service–to send to someone who may be grieving or who is going through a difficult time. To send to a family with a new baby who would enjoy the break from takeout to have a simple home-prepared healthy meal. To send as a thank you gift to a host or hostess. For a college kid or friend moving into their own place. Or to have for yourself on a particularly difficult or busy week when you don’t want to fall back on eating out. I even think it would be a blast to have a dinner party and order up a variety of meals to prepare with and for your guests. The ideas are limitless.
I get lots of opportunities to try new things on MommyCoddle, but I have to say that this service from Terra’s Kitchen is one of my faves. And I will most definitely be using it again (and breaking out those recipes again in the future.)
Want to try Terra’s Kitchen? Use the code MOLLY50 and get $50 off your first order.
Any questions? Ask me in the comments and I’ll do my best to answer! Here’s a speedy sneak peek at Terra’s Kitchen’s cool eco-friendly delivery vessel:
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Terra’s Kitchen. The opinions and text are all mine.
Very impressive indeed.
Hi Molly. I just happened to see Terra’s kitcthen on a Comercial and I checked it out online. Then… I saw your review. I am wondering what your thoughts are about cost. I Avent checked on the website, but it seems like something that would be a huge help for Joe and me during the week, especially with my work schedue trying to come up with a healthy, tasty meal.
My mom has been using it and she loves it. It does require prep work and she says she’s learned a lot. But the meals are supposed to be on the table in 30 minutes. I think she set hers up to come 2x/week because there were great leftovers. xo.
Terra’s Kitchen is the best. Good food & Really good people. I started in late May of 2016. My husband had been suffering from “Lewy Body Dementia”. My children & I thought if we started eating healther meals it would help. It did for about 2 weeks. He was bright, happy & walking around with assistance. This is a very cruel disease. He said he loved me & didn’t want to leave me but he couldn’t do this any more & on June 14th he passed peacefully in my arms at home.
Terra’s Kitchen has been awesome & gave me 2 free weeks of meals & it so easy to prepare & DELIICIOUS! I have lost 10 pounds & learning to eat good, delicious food.
Do they deliver in Illinois? I have sent emails to them and get a robot return saying they will answer me in 24 hours but they have never answered.