Interested in trying the benefits of oils for your family, too? I bought my first starter kit several years ago, but it wasn’t until a few months ago–when faced with some health concerns for myself and my family that I decided to go “all in” with oils. I wanted to be proactive about my family’s health–physically and emotionally. And I felt a tug at my heart to educate myself and dig deep into the use of essential oils.
If you are new to this journey, remember I am always learning along with you. I have been amazed by the effectiveness and health benefits of oils not just for me, but for my family. If you’re ready to give them a try, you are in the right place. I’m so glad you’re here.
My heart is to simply share what has been working for my family in the hopes that it might be as impactful for yours as well. And to provide a community of encouragement, inspiration and learning.
To enroll with my community, click on this link and make sure the number 2581394 appears in both the “Enroller” and “Sponsor ID” fields.
If you sign up for wholesale/distributor, you will get 24% off retail prices, which is incentive alone to give essential oils a try.
Even if you never want to sell a single thing, wholesale is the way to go.
If you sign up as a distributor and are actively purchasing, you have the option of joining a private Facebook group. If you are interested in selling the oils and sharing about the company I am here to help and support you with that goal. Our team provides FREE monthly business bootcamp and a bank of resources to help you learn and grow.
Remember that Young Living has an amazing compensation plan that rewards you for sharing oils with others.
If you are just starting out, this is what I recommend:
Purchase a Premium Starter Kit and pick an Essential Rewards Kit. Make sure you choose the wholesale option to take advantage of the lower ordering prices.
By purchasing a rewards kit you are signing up for a monthly ordering program that gives you the ability to earn points for free products, enjoy reduced shipping costs, and plan out your family’s oily budget. Plus if you are a part of this monthly program you are able to receive commissions off of growing your own business.
Check out a little more about your options:
OPTION 1 // Wholesale Customer // click here // (recommended)
- No renewal fee; simply purchase a minimum of $50pv of product per year and your account stays active
- No order minimum – order whenever you like, as often as you like at 24% off retail prices
- Although Young Living calls their wholesale customers “Distributors” this does NOT mean that you are signing up to sell oils and there is absolutely no pressure to do so – ever.
- Member number to share with friends; if they order using your member number, you’ll receive compensation (but, again, enrolling as a “Distributor” does NOT mean that you have to share oils with anyone; although, once you discover how wonderful they are, it will be hard not to tell your friends!)
- Access to our private Facebook group for education and support.
OPTION 2 // Retail Customer // click here
- No starter kit required
- Order products whenever you like (but pay 24% more than wholesale.)
Having both of these options makes it all about the products without any pressure whatsoever to “share” oils. But trust me that I know you won’t regret enrolling as a wholesale customer (“Distributor”). The Starter Kit investment is very quickly recovered with the savings off of retail pricing.
When checking out with your starter kit, feel free to select “no thank you” for the ER or choose a package and ship them together for extra savings. If you don’t want a package and you just want to customize your own see below for instructions! I strongly recommend this! You get 10-20% back in points each month, you can purchase products that you would be buying anyways (shampoo, vitamins, toothpaste) while hitting that 100 PV (Product value – typically one point per one dollar) to get commissions, get discounted shipping and more! You do NOT have to sign up with a package, you can tailor it to meet your needs. This is the only way to make commissions if you are interested in building a business. Cancel anytime!!
Go into Essential Rewards:
- Click Continue to autoship
- Click EDIT
- Click SAVE
Questions? Shoot me an email and I’ll get back to you right away!
hello ( at ) molly balint (dot) com.
Any suggestions made on this blog are very specific to Young Living essential oils and should not be used with oils from another source. Statements made on this website about Young Living Essential Oils have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products and information are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Anyone suffering from disease or injury should consult with a physician. If you are currently on medication, please DO NOT STOP.