And while that statement could be true about our weather, as of late–it is also true of my life.
First of all, thank you for all of your well wishes for Mary during her recovery from Lyme's. It is a slow and steady recovery, but thankfully, as of yesterday, I think I can say she's pretty much back to normal. No more croquet mallet crutches, no more "Tiny Tim".
And just when you think life might settle down again, and things return to normal……you drive your oldest daughter to the barn to go riding and decide to hang around because it will only be a short ride. And you stand there in the ring and watch her pony spook, buck and bolt. And you watch her fall hard onto the dirt ring. And she stands up, bleeding from her mouth, nostrils caked with dirt, cheek scraped–scared, but still tough. She tells you her arm hurts, but she can move it, so you relax a little.
And then, brave little girl, gets back up on that pony one more time. Tears still stealing out from the corners of her eyes.
And here we are a few days later. Emma fractured her radius, but thankfully it is only a thin crack. No cast, just a soft splint. The first night was downright brutal. Tears, pain, exhaustion and things being said like, "I'm scared I'll never be able to fall asleep and I'm so tired." or "I don't feel like myself. I just want to be normal again." Moments where you wonder who is hurting more–the little girl, or the mother.
My friends keep checking on me–asking how I'm doing–one child recovering from Lyme's, the other with a cracked wrist. But really, I'm doing fine. Aside from a topsy-turvy school schedule, and floors that billow with dog hair, dust and bits of wood from the woodstove–we're all doing fine. Hot cups of tea in the afternoons, a table littered with craft supplies, too many episodes of Little House on The Prairie, and visitors bringing sugary sweet cookies and quarts of chocolatey ice cream, all help speed up the healing process, I believe.
I'll be back here next week with a little more regularity. I have a few things I've been meaning to share once I'm off full-time nurse duty.
Happy Weekend. And thanks for caring about our little family.
**the bucking pony picture is actually not from this incident. same pony, old bucking episode. she stayed on for that one:) **
Know how you feel . . . we’re on our second broken arm (two different kids) in six months. At least with this one, we somewhat already knew the routine! Hang in there!
Whew, Molly. It does pour. It’s hard for me to be hopeful that things will return to normal. Do you ever feel that way? Anyway, I’m glad you’re seeing light- just in time for the holidays.
Poor babies. 🙁 I hope things smooth out for you and your family soon. Wishing your girls a speedy recovery.
I’ve felt like it’s been pouring an awful lot lately as well. What’s up with that??
Hang in there, girl! I wondered if something was up when you were quiet for so many days. Bad stuff noticeably always comes in groups, for what seems to be days on end. But both sisters are on the mend, and you will be, too-though I bet you get a few gray hairs out of the process. My mom blamed my brother and I for any and all that she had 🙂
i know this “pouring” feeling well. my son fractured his wrist earlier in the year and required surgery. this came at a time when things were breaking all over the house and i felt like my life was out of control.
keep hanging in there, you seem to be handling things beautifully. wishing good health and mended limbs to your girls.:)
be easy on yourself, and get as much sleep and good food as you can. i always find that my body collapses a bit after a crisis, and i come down with something non-lifethreatening, but annoying and unpleasant. it’s like it’s saying, “whew, that was scary. i am going to MAKE you rest now!”
so please, be kind to yourself in the midst of all this caring for your girls. because a sick mama at christmas is no fun for anyone…
Looks like you have plenty on your plate! Warm “get well” wishes to your little ones…
Y’all need a break – I hope it comes soon, friend. Sending lots of love and baby kicks from over here. xoxo.
Oh, my. Praying for speedy recovery (and a break for the nurse!) xo
So much going on in your household! I hope your sweet girls (and their mama) are all feeling back to normal soon.
Hugs, Molly! To all of you!
Goodness honey! Here’s to speedy healing, restful days and nights and lots of chocolate! Hugs to you all.
(((hugs))) all around to you all. Sounds like you’ve been through the mill…hope things settle down and that you have a peaceful Christmas.
Glad to hear you’re enduring! Also, love the pic of Dan with his girls. So heartwarming. Hope baby #4 is growing well too!
Hello there! I found your wonderful blog not so long ago and wanted to let you know, that I LOVE it! The way you write is amazing, so true and honest, far away from drawing life in olny bright colours. And I like your crafty soul; I just made some hand-print wales with my boys, inspired by your instructions, and am now very, very happy with them. You came right on my favourite blog-list, and I’m concerned to visit your blog very often.Hope your girl is feeling much better now! Such an accident can maybe go deeper than we first think; to fall from a horse, where she first felt safe, might have shocked here… and then tha pain… You’re doing a good job, I think. And although I don’t like TV and Videos at all, I know that watching some movies next to the ones we love most is one of the best things one can do when we are suffering, especially when you are a child, who’s shocked and wounded. I guess it’s kind a remedy.Be blessed and thank you for that greate blog!bora from Switzerland
Molly, that is tough. It brought tears to my eyes when you said you wonder who hurts more. This brings to mind parenting and it’s role – I’ve found myself hurting perhaps more… Best wishes.
That’s one naughty pony! Glad to hear it was relatively minor!
Let me clarify: minor as in she didn’t get stomped. My daughter also rides and I lose my heart into my feet every time the horse acts up.
Oh man, you guys are being given a lot right now! I hope all calms down.
jeesh, what a run of bad luck. Hugs, Friend.
Oh, you sweet girls. All of you! You hang in there. Please accept many hugs from this direction. I hope everyone is feeling better soon!
My heart just about burst out of my chest and my eyes are filled with tears at the photo of your husband and the little ones all on his lap. Oh, how I long for the days when my girls were small, my boy was a baby and we were all here in our cozy house, happy and together. Truly there are things to cherish just as much at this stage of my life but so far nothing has come close to the time of chubby, sticky fingers and cuddling with my sweet children. Thanks for the memory.
Oh you POOR thing!!! I was talking to my friend yesterday about issues with her child and issues in my life which will effect the children and we came to the conclusion that going through things with/for your children is so much harder than dealing with it yourself. If you had Lyme and a broken wrist life would suck, but you’d get on with it, but when it’s your kids..OH MY! Poor little loves. I really feel for you. Take the time you need to heal-school and housework will still be there. Lots of love to you all.
Wow – certainly sounds like you could do with a break of a good sort! Hope you all feel recovered soon – my thoughts are with you.
here too the rain and more rain. Clogged milk duct the last couple of days, Not a big deal but I’m nursing my two year old!! And then this morning a raccoon in the pantry. I mean come on if it weren’t for my brand of comedy this would have been a bad weekend. Loving the roku mythbusters and kids crafts covering my table along with cereal and books. As my husband always says “LUCY”!! LOLYour poor babies I hope they are 100% before you have time to realize how bad these last of weeks have been.
yikes–I hope the weekend brought more rest for you all. And more Michael Landon 🙂
Poor girls, as you say it never rains but it pours. Hope everyone is back on form again soon.