I should have gotten my photographs in yesterday when it was sunny and 70. But this morning, the weather has taken a drastic turn–heavy downpours, lightning and thunder, and temperatures back in the 40s. We even had to break down and light the woodburner one more time….and hopefully the last time. We’ll be stuck in this cold weather for the rest of the week and into the weekend….
But enough about the weather in a place you don’t live….the bumper is finished!!
And really, as you all said, it was very easy. (although it required a little more measuring than I’m used to as a "seat-of-my-pants" sewer.) I just sewed a big tube with velcro openings on each end for easy threading of the old bumper, and then added ties at the same interval as the old bumper.
I added some interfacing to the new fabric to give it a little more stiffness which was really necessary with this tall bumper.
I haven’t actually put it in the crib yet. Mary still takes her afternoon nap in there until the baby comes and I’m afraid she’ll step on the sides and tear out the ties or something!
The red dresser the bumper is sitting on was an IKEA score that my mom got for me as a changing table. It brings the whole room together perfectly. I love it! Although the horrible story behind actually GETTING the dresser in our posession is enough to make one weak in the knees–multiple store visits, no more stock on the floor, waiting till IKEA closed for them to get one down with a forklift, crabby children in tow, and broken ice cream machines..it was enough to make me leave a negative comment card..it’s a whole story of it’s own… worth it’s own post, if I felt like re-living it.
And on a completely unrelated topic, I need 6 volunteers. My sister sent me a little sticker chain mail letter–you know, send a pack of stickers to the first name on the list, send the list to six friends….
I need six of you moms/kiddos out there to help me out. Any volunteers to be one of my six friends? (that sounds pathetic, doesn’t it?!!) If you’re interested, just drop me an email with the sticker subject and we’ll exchange information. Thank you!!!
looks fantastic molly!! loving the brown and red combo. sorry about the trip, i feel antsy just from the summary. when is that baby coming??? any day now, right??
The bumper looks FABULOUS! I can’t wait to see it all put together in the crib. The dresser is wonderful too! I’m a big proponent of not using a conventional changing table, as I feel it is a waste of money. After the child is out of diapers, you have a useless piece. Using a dresser is a much better idea, as it grows with the child!
I love how it turned out! The room will be beautiful!
molly, the bumpers look fabulous!!! i love that brown fabric. well done. now, baby, come on out and play, will you?
very fun bumper! i have some of that brown fabric, too.
(and we just got the sticker thing, too – sorry!)
Come on baby! Your Mama is ready (and so are we!)!
oh the nursery looks fantastic! love the bumper.
Looks great. Why did I have in my head navy? Did you ever say you were thinking of navy?
I would be interested in the sticker fun.
Lovely bumpers! Nice work! And that dresser is great, even if it was a trial to get it.
I would do the sticker fun, if you are still looking…
Love the bumper!
Seat-of-my-pants sewer, I love it! That’s me – what a great description. The crib bumpers are fabulous, love the brown, mmmm chocolate dreams.
Oh, I just got that d**n sticker chain. I am sending my friend’s kid 6 separate envelopes and ending the cycle. Oops. I bought easter stickers and they aren’t in the mail yet. Kid won’t care, right?
Do you need me to send some to the kid in your chain? I promise not to pass it on again 😉
The bumper looks great! And so does the NEW dresser table (and you said this baby didn’t have anything new 😉
Good for you!
I hope the girls are feeling better.