art with children

seat (sofa) work

Well, here we go again. The girls have caught the stomach bug again. I’ve always thought that once you got it, you were pretty much immune for awhile. But I’ve heard of so many people around here catching it, there must be a few different "strains" floating around. The throw-up part wasn’t as bad this time, but they are just completely knocked out and weak.
Today, Emma has finally mustered up the energy to actually sit upright on the sofa and do a little drawing. This picture above isn’t from today, but it’s one of my current faves and is on my bulletin board above my desk.
But, this wonderful gift from Melissa has been a spring favorite today and the perfect thing for a little sofa time.


Melissa uses it with her children and she let me know about it after this post I wrote back in January. Melissa is lucky enough that her library carries the series, but I wasn’t able to find it anywhere,’ so she surprised me with a copy of a book and workbook of our very own. For now, the handwriting and reading parts are a little hard for Emma, but she loves the step-by-step drawing instructions. And as a pathetic draw-er myself, I love them, too. And I also love the emphasis on nature and the connections Emma makes with this book and the things we see around the farm.
For now, I haven’t been giving Emma too much direction, just letting her flip through the book and enjoy whichever parts she picks. Like Amanda mentioned in this post, too much direction from me can oftentimes turn Emma off from a project. But today it is making the best sofa project for a tired little girl.

The nice part (if I had to find one) about the girls being sick is that it has given me a lot of quiet time to get some stuff done. I’ve finally gotten this site ready for the opening of the market in little over a week.  There’s a lot of information to squeeze into that little blog, so visually it’s a bit busy for my taste, but I still am deeply enjoying this project. I’m keeping my legs crossed that I won’t be mid-delivery for the opening day of the market.
And the bumper is coming along well. I just need to add the ties. I’m really glad you all gave me the encouragement I needed to do it this way. I love having exactly the fabric I want and I’m saving a ton of money in the long run! So thank you again!!

Well, here we go again. The girls have caught the stomach bug again. I’ve always thought that once you got it, you were pretty much immune for awhile. But I’ve heard of so many people around here catching it, there must be a few different "strains" floating around. The throw-up part wasn’t as bad this time, but they are just completely knocked out and weak.
Today, Emma has finally mustered up the energy to actually sit upright on the sofa and do a little drawing. This picture above isn’t from today, but it’s one of my current faves and is on my bulletin board above my desk.
But, this wonderful gift from Melissa has been a spring favorite today and the perfect thing for a little sofa time.


Melissa uses it with her children and she let me know about it after this post I wrote back in January. Melissa is lucky enough that her library carries the series, but I wasn’t able to find it anywhere,’ so she surprised me with a copy of a book and workbook of our very own. For now, the handwriting and reading parts are a little hard for Emma, but she loves the step-by-step drawing instructions. And as a pathetic draw-er myself, I love them, too. And I also love the emphasis on nature and the connections Emma makes with this book and the things we see around the farm.
For now, I haven’t been giving Emma too much direction, just letting her flip through the book and enjoy whichever parts she picks. Like Amanda mentioned in this post, too much direction from me can oftentimes turn Emma off from a project. But today it is making the best sofa project for a tired little girl.

The nice part (if I had to find one) about the girls being sick is that it has given me a lot of quiet time to get some stuff done. I’ve finally gotten this site ready for the opening of the market in little over a week.  There’s a lot of information to squeeze into that little blog, so visually it’s a bit busy for my taste, but I still am deeply enjoying this project. I’m keeping my legs crossed that I won’t be mid-delivery for the opening day of the market.
And the bumper is coming along well. I just need to add the ties. I’m really glad you all gave me the encouragement I needed to do it this way. I love having exactly the fabric I want and I’m saving a ton of money in the long run! So thank you again!!

21 comments on “seat (sofa) work”

  1. I’m sooo glad that Emma is enjoying the book I sent, it is a favorite one of ours as well especially during the spring and fall seasons. My oldest daughter was super upset when she started the draw, write, now series because she felt her drawings weren’t the same as the book but I reminded her that crafting is individual/no ones is the exact same even if the project is the same.

    Sorry to hear about the sickies again, I’ll be sending lots of prayers and healthy vibes your way.

  2. Sorry to hear your kiddos are sick. One of mine is improving and other just came down with it. Nothing gross though – thank goodness!

    These books are great – at first I was the anti-coloring book/anti-draw-by-numbers kind of person, but my kids have really enjoyed this. I’ve been happy with the results. Good learning.

  3. This book totally reminds me of a thrifting find from awhile back on how to draw monsters…hmmm…now where is that book? Hope the sickies go away very quickly before the little one arrives. Happy weekend!

  4. My seven year old loves Draw, Write, Now and we use it as a supplement in our science class at our homeschool coop. I’ve found has the best price on them, however I think throws in the workbook free with each book. Anyway, hope your kiddos are feeling better soon.

  5. Looks like a lovely book. Sorry to hear your kids got the stomach bug again. Sounds like you have been very busy. I had wondered if your absence meant you had the baby already. Hope all goes well in the next few weeks before the arrival. Cheers, Erin

  6. Ooh that book looks great. And I could learn a few drawing tricks and tips too!

    I know and feel your girls’ pain with recurring illness. Been there, done that this year 🙁

    Good luck for the birth AFTER the market opens!!

  7. Ooof. Stomach flu again – my sympathies. That was what our January was like. Decaf black tea, crackers, and baby-dopholis. Get those probiotics working. The market blog looks wonderful, I looked at the photos from last fall and I especially love the bread and baskets of cantaloupes. Keep those legs crossed and take care!

  8. Tummy bugs always seem to go round in circles at our house too.With 6 of us there always seems to be someone suffering in someway!

  9. Molly! I’m coming to the farm for easter on sat. afternoon/evening and i can’t wait to see your family and your sewing projects! PLEASE, if you have any last-minute projects or errands, save them for me. Or if you and Dan want an evening to yourselves…

    Love you and see you soon. Kisses to the sick girls.

  10. We LOVE Draw, Write, Now! We have the whole series and all the kids enjoy it. I’ve used it to supplement writing practice, too. I think I bought all mine from Barnes & Noble and Amazon. You might like the first one in the series, it has lots of farm animals and storybook characters. Hope your family is all better soon.

  11. Draw Write Now is a great series, we love it too 🙂 I feel for you with the sick girls – all of mine had a stomach virus when I was very pregnant and near my due date with my third. I ended up catching it also and it put me into labor. Between contractions I was running to the bathroom…aaah, the memories 😉 You take care, hugs Cassi

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