I have two email address. One has almost completely morphed into a dark hole for newsletters and sale mail and the other has morphed into the one that's my personal and blogging related emails, messages from family, friends and one or two newsletters that I really want to read each day.
And it occured to me a few weeks ago that this also means I have two Google Reader accounts. My old GR account is overwhelming and depressing. A list of hundreds of unread blog posts. Just peeking at it overwhelms me, but I don't have the heart to swoop in and hit that "mark all as read" button.
So I've taken that other blank slate Google Reader account and slowly started to subscribe to a few blogs again.
To be fair, I probably shouldn't call this list Blogs I'm Reading. I always find it interesting to see how my blog list relates to either what's on my brain and or what's lacking in my life at the moment. The list should probably more accurately be called "Blogs I'm Enjoying for their Visual, Creative, & Photographic Inspiration."
Some blogs inspire me to blog (Design Mom). Some blogs inspire to get off my blog and do something creative (Design Editor). Some blogs inspire me with their ability to unearth new-to-me finds and curate collections that I love (Bloesem Kids, Handmade Charlotte, You Are My Fave, Emma Lamb)
None of these blogs are new discoveries but they happen to be the blogs that are hitting the spot these days. That have me wanting to write more, get out my camera, jot things down, or put fresh flowers on the kitchen table.
So right back at you–what blogs are inspiring you visually, creatively, photographically these days? Do tell.
I was wondering why I never heard from you about ideas and places to see in your end of the world. Our family is moving to DC for 3-4 months starting next week. Eek! Anyway back to the question. MY reader is huge. I just started using netnewswire based on my brothers recommendation. My first task is cleanup. I have many blogs in my lit that have either dyed or I have outgrown. Thanks for the gentle nudge and a reminder to look for a couple fresh ones.
Ahh! I’m so sorry! Just sent you an email. 🙂
Wow. Honored to be on that list. Thank you!
Oh, do I relate! I’m now afraid to even look at Google Reader. Good idea to start over, and start small. I’d really like to start blogging again as well.
Thanks for the Design Editor link! 🙂
Reading Sew Liberated (sewliberated.typepad.com), Little Red Caboose (littleredcaboose.ca) and I always love Anna Maria Horner (annamariahorner.blogspot.com) And yes! Design Mom! Thanks for the fun list. 🙂
Thanks so much for the nice mention!