Yesterday, my computer died. I'm crossing fingers that the new battery that will arrive today is the solution. In the meantime, I'm counting it as a gift as I take on the crazy task of dealing with the laundry madness before hurricane Irene comes knocking on our door this weekend. Out here a power outage is most certainly guaranteed. Thank goodness for oil lanterns and a cool spring to keep our animals watered. (even if it is a raging river by the time this is over.)
Happy weekend friends. Batten down those hatches. And cross fingers that I'm back here on Monday!
I understand the laundry thing – I am drowning in laundry myself. I hope you come thru the hurricane okay.
thinking of you. hope the computer battery solves your problem and that Irene is nicer than they think. xo.
Good luck with the storm. I hope it isn’t so bad. I just had to replace my laptop battery, too. You might also check your plug-in charger if the battery doesn’t fix it.
Stay safe, and I hope the battery seals the deal.
Always good to be caught up on laundry before a storm! Hope Irene doesn’t give you too much trouble.
stay at home and play cards!! patience…
Ahh laundry is on the list for today as well ! Here’s hoping irene isn’t as bad as they say, and she’s gently to us all.
I hope you successfully fight the laundry battle, and that Irene does as little damage as possible.
There’s always laundry to catch up on at our house. I hope the hurricane passes you by!
I’ll be praying for you all back there. I am so thrilled to have found your blog! Thank you for sharing pieces of your life with us! 🙂
That reminds me, I need to switch the laundry. Hoping you and yours fare the storm well.
Fare thee well through wind and rain. Your blog is wonderful.
Stay safe, shall be thinking of you xx
fingers crossed for you, molly. thinking of you…
I am glad that you are safe. I am also having a problem on my laptop’s battery. I just plug it every time I use it. It’s kinda troublesome for me.