A few weeks ago sheri asked me to take part in her series on CafeMom's Home and Garden section called, "Nesting and Nurturing", she posed this question to me:
What does home mean to you?
I have to tell you, for as much as I blog about my home, raising a family, fixing up a house, teaching my children, it was such a nice exercise to sit down and actually put my thoughts about home into words.
You can read my response, as well as take a few peeks inside my home. I'd love for you to stop by.
Sheri will be continuing her series and asking the same question of other women around blogland. I've really loved reading a few of the previous responses, especially these from Rachel Saldana (of buttons magee), Kate Inglis (of sweet | salty ), Tracey Clark (of shutter sisters) , Elizabeth Fleming (of Tethered).
I thought this afternoon, I'd ask the same question of all of you. It can be a few words, a few sentences, but I'd love to know, what does home mean to you?
Everything. Where I work the hardest; where I can completely relax. Where I’m challenged the most; where I feel safest. With the sounds that drive me crazy, and the sounds that fill my heart with joy. A place I am so proud of, and yet always restless to make changes to. Where I spend so much time, but daydream about travelling away from. Where I am always filled with gratitude upon coming back.Where I want to be.
so perfect, tara. the push and pull of home.
Home is where my babies sleep, where my husband makes me laugh, where I close my eyes and feel safe. We are a nomadic family moving with/by the military, so our address changes all the time, but our home stays the same. The same pictures go up on the walls showing the oldest as a bald baby and the youngest with sand in her hair. My children still hear the same stories and the phone still rings with the voices of loved ones.
Home is love.Home is rest.Home is a pile of never ending laundry.
home is the four of us together, anywhere. at this point in my life, even the most sentimental things i possess are not nearly as treasured as my girls and my husband.
A sweet, restful, safe place. A haven albeit noisy, with good and bad scrambled together. A place to always return and enjoy.
For me a sense of place is so important. I can feel my mood shift on the farm where my grandparents live, in the county where I can imagine so many generations living. Calm and wide open. Something about the way the air smells and the light slants. And I don’t even live there anymore, although it’s where we were married and where we lived then, and where I spent summers as a child. That place just feels so right. I can’t wait until my son is old enough to run around there with me and my husband.
I’m working on making “home” where I am and not where I want to be, but it’s hard. Of course, my family does make any place so much sweeter.
Home is where my children are. Where I can find their toys all over the place, smell their sweet smells when I walk in to their rooms, peek at them playing together.
Home is where my husband is. Where I can see his clutter all over the place. Where I count on him to be, always. Where I can hear his voice down the hall.
Home is my family. I would be lost without them.
Our house needs so much work. There are days I wonder if I will ever have a neat and normal house.
Those days I remind myself that it isn’t “the house” inside or out…it isn’t the material items in the house.
It is the atmosphere….the people living in that house and how they mesh. We mesh super well and I can’t imagine a better place to be…even if it is falling apart here and there and everywhere 😉
It is our home and we are raising some pretty awesome young ladies! We laugh probably too much, we have too many pets, I set off a fire alarm a least once a week when I walk away from the cookies in the oven. It is home…safe and cozy.
Our home is so safe & comforting to me…like an extended version of my bed. 🙂
I love the scent of it here and the little treasures we have around us but mostly it’s just that we are all here together, living our lives.
comfort… i am comfortable doing whatever i want to do and the children are too! they can run, scream, laugh, whatever and it’s OK (unless Daddy is still sleeping!). i can fold laundry and watch the children play. i can make dinner and watch the children play. home… it’s a good place to be!
To me home is where I am loved and where I can come to rest, where I can be myself. It is also the place where we, as a family, are together surrounded by all of our stuff that is important to us. So it’s just home I guess.
I know I’m supposed to say that any place my family is becomes a home but the truth is that the space matters to me. We live in a house without much character and no money to change that. But it’s our home because the door is open. People are always in and out of our house. Neighbors. Friends. Ex-husbands. There are always fresh cookies in the jar and shoes by the door. Come on over.
You realize you are at home when you become a homebody. When you walk around in the malls thinking, “I want to get out of here and go home!” When you are the least involved parent at your children’s school simply because you don’t want to leave the house. Home for me is the embracing of my family, our routines, our comfort, and most of all where we hang our hearts on the wall.
Home for me is the sound of my own heart beating. It is knowing and feeling that my heart is tethered firmly to my best self and to those I love no matter where I am or what I’m doing. Home is the place where I feel strong, significant, and clear about my ability to exert a measure of influence over events. Home is where I don’t need to exert influence over events, but can revel in, bathe in, and absorb my own experience. Home is where I am sure of my interconnectedness with others and the planet on this journey through time.
Home means to me….A place to exhale, Where I’m the most important artist and my children are my canvas and I only get one chance, a place where the heart feels all the emotions good and bad. Where I try to make the giggles, hugs, games, love and memories of the simple things out shine the darker times. A place that at the end of the day we can curl up and be thankful for each other and what surrounds us that it comforts us to sleep.
Home, everythingimportant within reachbooks babiesgarden friendsart lovefun cutting boardcomputer coffee potfamily pillowswings toysspace airyou me
Home is Minnesota, St. Paul, the Mac/Groveland neighborhood, the corner of Wheeler & Goodrich, the duplex, our place.It’s our little niche. We’re above Nana, across the street from the Byrds and close to Grand Ave.It’s a place where we all feel loved, all the time.Not always the most beautifully decorated, but a loving, nurturing home.
Home is family and warmth. Where I can wear jammies and eat fresh bread without shoes on. Where I can laugh out loud and tell goofy jokes. Home is where I smile the most.
Home is where we can all sit together and laugh. It’s the place we all yearn to return to after a long trip. It is a place where everyone is welcome, neighbors, friends, travelers, new in town, all will eventually learn that this place can be their home too. Warm food (never fancy though) open conversation, and memories. Even when it’s crazy here, it’s still a good place to be.
One time, after a few days vacation, we drove up in our driveway and faced our little brick ranch. My hubby exclaimed, “Here we are, home again. It’s not much, but it’s where our stuff is!!”
I guess that is what makes our house our home…it is nothing fancy or elaborate, but it is where my family abides and it is where we keep the things that are meaningful to us. I have spent a good deal of time on this house, painting, decorating, cooking, gardening, trying to make it a home; but, in the end, even if it all burned to the ground, “home” would be wherever my husband and kids are…because that is where the love and laughter would be.
Obviously you have a great knowledge in blogging. Found this blog interesting to read and lots of valuable information can be found here. Keep sharing your great knowledge! Good Luck!
House is where we can all sit together and have fun. It’s the position we all lengthy to come back to after a lengthy journey. It is a position where everyone is welcome, others who live nearby, buddies, tourists, new in city, all will gradually understand that this position can be their house too.