I think I might have to go away more often. Although maybe it's a bit like childbirth–you quickly forget about the contractions and the pushing and the pain…or in this case the laundry and the packing and the whining and fighting in the back seat of the car.
But in reality, it was good for me to get away for a few days. I came home itching to get back to our routine, to laundry (yes, to laundry), to cooking in my kitchen, to picking tomatoes and watering flowers, to good naps and normal wake-up times for my children.
I also think I need to start leaving my husband home alone more often. I returned to find many projects that he completed while we were away. I knew he was up to something because when we would talk on the phone and I'd ask him what things he was working on, he'd always answer: "Oh, just a bunch of different stuff…"
So I came home to a simple, tall, painted headboard that he built for our bed. Very nice. I love it. A new mantle for our dining room fire place the design of which he copied directly from the mantle in the back living room at my grandmother's house, a desk/sewing/work space set up for me in the guest room, hooks finally hung in our bathroom for towels, and a great new laundry system for dirty clothes–much better than a big pile on the floor in the corner.
He's a good man. When all the projects have their final coats of paint and I clean the twelve inch pile of stuff off my desk, I'll take a few pictures…
I also came home to exciting mail–some I'll share in the next few days, but the other is something I've been dying to share with all of you.
I am in the September issue of Wondertime magazine!!
Thanks to the help of a dear friend, I've been able to submit a few things that will be showing up here and there in the magazine. Though there's no byline to circle and show to all my friends 🙂 the recipe for "Power Balls" is one from our Balint family kitchen that I wrote up for this issue. It was fun to go through the process, hear about the recipe being tried out in the Wondertime test kitchen and passed around to staff for a taste test. Everyone I've worked with at Wondertime has been easy-going, encouraging and sometimes downright funny.
I feel privileged to have a tiny spot in this wonderful magazine.
Thank you to everyone for your well wishes, shared experiences, and good advice for our dog. He still doesn't seem quite himself the past two days. But your encouraging, understanding words have really meant a lot to me.
wow! what a man… how sweet of him to do all those things for you. we really distract them when we’re home, don’t we? welcome home.
Glad to have you back.
Congrats on the magazine input…that is awesome!!!
this was the perfect post for me to read tonight – all about the good parts of coming home. thank you, friend. see you soon…
Yeah for you! I’m getting lost just staring at your beautiful banner tonight…
congratulations! I will for sure make them now!
Wow! You’ve got a good man, don’t you. And congratulations on the magazine. What a sense of accomplishment you must feel!
That’s so awesome! Soon, it’ll be a book deal, and a craft book, next your own TV show! I am so glad to see the blogging world showing up in the mainstream. Isn’t it better to hear things from other “real” people, and not something concocted in an industrial setting? I think so! Looking forward to seeing the recipe!
i saw these in the magazine this week and wanted to make them! 🙂
Yay Molly- Elliot said– “Will you make those for me Mommy?” and they styled them really cute too;)
Molly, How cool is that!Glad you are home. Did you hear me beep at you yesterday?
I am going to have to try the recipe 🙂
I have that issue around here somewhere. I must find it and check out your space! Congrats!
I saw stuff from Wondertime on your fridge and thought you were up to something 🙂
yay you! i will have to take a look for that issue. it seems like a great match!
and yay dan! it must have felt great to come home and see all those little things finished.
Congrats on you space in Wondertime! I’ll have to make that recipe! Yahooo!!!!!!
aww, molly, I looked and looked and looked for you and didn’t see you in the contributing editors or bylines, so I passed it on. But I do remember thinking that the recipe looked yummy!
congrats on wondertime – that’s awesome! :^)
I LOVE wondertime magazine–how cool is that?! Congratulations!!
Love that magazine, congratulations! I love when my husband does all those kinds of things unexpectedly:-)
Congratulations on the magazine entry!
I just read your Bushel post. I think it’s one of your best pieces yet. Beautiful flow, beautiful description of how mothers dig deeply within themselves to meet their children’s needs. We become so much more, because of them. There is no better avenue for growth.
very cool, Molly, may I borrow your hubby for a weekend?))))))I’ll give you mine in exchange, he is a pro in sitting on our couch and watching ESPN ))))) congrats on the magazine)))
eeeeeek! How fun!!!
I love Wondertime… Congratulations!
Sorry to hear about Tripper he is a year younger than our Labrador and yes we got her as we thought she would be good with the kids even before we’d had kids, she will put up with allsorts even pinching her ears and she still comes back for more. So I can understand the pain you all must be going through.
Congratulations on the magazine article on the upside.