Well, hello there! The nice thing about a giveaway is that I get to meet so many of my “quieter” readers. So many of you de-lurk to say hello. I love it. And for that, I’d say it IS better to give than receive. Thanks to the random number generator, the winner of Amanda’s book is…..
MANDY of sewspun. Mandy, send me an email with your address and I’ll get it in the mail to you, asap.
I have two more books to give away this week–children’s books, so I’ll try to get to those tomorrow.
This weekend was another week of work at the house. It was one of those, “the house is killing me” weekends. But the floors are getting close to being completed and we’re at the point now where I think we’ll just move in and work on the outdoor furniture later. The house takes Dan away from us so much. It’s really wearing on all of us. Saturday night, we gave up watching the Kentucky Derby to take a surprise picnic dinner over to Dan. I could tell he just needed to have his family running around the place while he worked. So we christened our back deck with its first meal and then walked around and explored more of the property after supper.
Emma discovered the “movie” setting on my digital camera and I gave her full reign while we were hanging out after supper. It wasn’t one of those cameras for under 500 dollars, and so, I was a bit hesitant to hand it to a foreign hand. I was casually observing the footage she was recording and I was really excited to download the things she had filmed. She was getting some great stuff on there of herself, her sisters. I couldn’t wait to see. Looks like I’m going to have to give her a little more instruction about how it works. She must have gotten a little crazy with her trigger finger–there were only little ten second segments of video. I guess she was “taking pictures” instead of letting the thing just run and record. There’s really nothing that earth-shattering about these videos, I just like to put them up on my blog every now and then. A little change-up…some live footage is always fun, right?
A little background for her clips: our friend showed up in the driveway in his tractor. A boy that hangs around the farm a lot and plays with the kids. Emma got a tad bit excited but still managed to maintain her commentary to the camera. (hold on to your stomach while you watch…) **I think the videos are coming up as private. Let me work on that…**
Untitled from molly balint on Vimeo.
Untitled from molly balint on Vimeo.
Try to ignore the junky yard and big old wood pile dumped in the driveway…work in progress, remember?
Happy Monday, everyone.
it is refreshing that you celebrate and always find the good in your children and the ability they have to bring happiness to your life. your neighbors :)seem “comfortable” with their surroundings.
Okay, so Stefan is going to love those trucks, Tristan is going to love that bull (which might be a problem). Katie already loves the girls, when can we come over?
I *love* that first photo– it reminds me of a very similar spot on my grandparents’ farm. I think all farms must have one– a place where nature’s taking back over. When we go foxhunting we almost always put a fox to ground in someone’s pile of metal junk, so I think those piles are very beautiful indeed.
But, enough about pretty metal junk piles. Emma is so cute with her narration!
Thanks so much for all that you share on your blog…I love peeking in and “catching up” on everything! The new banner is great, but my two year old won’t know what to do now…she loved the banner with the trike. Every time I’m on the computer she runs over and tells me, “see my bike!” She just got a new radio flyer trike for her bday and thinks it is a pic of her and her bike! =) Keep up the work on the house..been there, done that. The joy when you are living in it will erase all of the other stuff! Have a great week!
those are so cute! i’m excited for you as you get closer to move in time! it’s going to great.
Oops, I missed a give away but that’s okay I just love coming for a visit at your blog and would hope to one day meet you and visit for an afternoon.
I had to comment. The tractor. Go Red!
love the multi-media post molly!sounds like lots of excitement at the new place congrats.
I *heart* cows.
Sweet! I left you a phone msg. today, but my 2yo was screaming for “chockie juice” (chocolate milk) in the background today. Sorry. I hope we can get together early this summer.
The vidios are pretty good for a 6 year old! My girls can’t seem to hold it that still!
The expression of that cow is wonderful! Now come and see my giveaway…
That is so cute! Eeek! So is your new house on a farm, too, or what? I want to hear more about your new house, how it came to be yours, and so on. Pretty please?