
caught in a whirlwind

I just wrote out a long version of my trials and tribulations this weekend, but rereading it, I was already tired of the story. Tired of living it out one more time. So, instead I’ll give you the short version.

I had a few small complications with my pregnancy.
My midwife asked me to get an ultrasound for peace of mind.
The baby is healthy and fine.
The ultrasound found a bloodclot in my groin.
I was admitted to the hospital for three days to treat the bloodclot.
Now, I have to give myself(actually Dan is giving me)  two shots twice a day in my abdomen for the remainder of my pregnancy.

It has been a whirlwind. It all started so innocently, with just a prenatal checkup. I have driven back and forth to Baltimore more times than I remember.
I’m feeling completely overwhelmed by the whole experience. I’m having a hard time grasping what I just went through, because it happened so quickly. I’m struggling with feeling "normal" again. The shots really burn and sting and my stomach is a little bruised and sore from them. But this whole experience could potentially have been life-saving and a little pain should be worth it all in the end. I’m just having a hard time finding the relief and joy in all this….at least for the moment.

But, I do know that God is faithful and wise and caring.

I’m thankful that I was able to walk out of the hospital– leaving behind me rooms and rooms of people who may never have the privilege and joy of walking out of there into the fresh open air, and into the arms of family who loves them.
I am so unbelievable thankful for a wonderfully strong and gentle husband who takes good care of me and my children.
I am thankful for a sister and mother who dropped everything to meet me in the emergency room and always found a little humor in the midst of the yuck.
And I’m thankful that those little purple latex gloves I swiped from my hospital room are providing my children with so much entertainment that I’m able to get this quick post in.

If you’ve made it this far, thanks for listening to my personal stuff. Bear with me as I emerge from my little cloud back into the sun.

I just wrote out a long version of my trials and tribulations this weekend, but rereading it, I was already tired of the story. Tired of living it out one more time. So, instead I’ll give you the short version.

I had a few small complications with my pregnancy.
My midwife asked me to get an ultrasound for peace of mind.
The baby is healthy and fine.
The ultrasound found a bloodclot in my groin.
I was admitted to the hospital for three days to treat the bloodclot.
Now, I have to give myself(actually Dan is giving me)  two shots twice a day in my abdomen for the remainder of my pregnancy.

It has been a whirlwind. It all started so innocently, with just a prenatal checkup. I have driven back and forth to Baltimore more times than I remember.
I’m feeling completely overwhelmed by the whole experience. I’m having a hard time grasping what I just went through, because it happened so quickly. I’m struggling with feeling "normal" again. The shots really burn and sting and my stomach is a little bruised and sore from them. But this whole experience could potentially have been life-saving and a little pain should be worth it all in the end. I’m just having a hard time finding the relief and joy in all this….at least for the moment.

But, I do know that God is faithful and wise and caring.

I’m thankful that I was able to walk out of the hospital– leaving behind me rooms and rooms of people who may never have the privilege and joy of walking out of there into the fresh open air, and into the arms of family who loves them.
I am so unbelievable thankful for a wonderfully strong and gentle husband who takes good care of me and my children.
I am thankful for a sister and mother who dropped everything to meet me in the emergency room and always found a little humor in the midst of the yuck.
And I’m thankful that those little purple latex gloves I swiped from my hospital room are providing my children with so much entertainment that I’m able to get this quick post in.

If you’ve made it this far, thanks for listening to my personal stuff. Bear with me as I emerge from my little cloud back into the sun.

53 comments on “caught in a whirlwind”

  1. I’m sorry to hear about this and I’m glad to hear you and the baby are safe.

    I’m sending you all the sunshine we have out here to help leave the little black cloud behind you.

    Please take care of yourself!

  2. i am so sorry for the stress of the last few days (and the stress to be endured as you go through the injections). i am happy for you that you have supportive family nearby. take care.

  3. oh my gosh! I’m so glad to hear that the baby is fine…but YOU…Oh!! I hope you get as much rest and help and patience as you need to get through the rest of the time. Take GOOD care!

  4. Oh my goodness, my heart just about stopped when I read this post. You are so lucky that they caught this. Last November I lost my first son 35 weeks in because of a clotting problem. I will have to have the same shots the next time we decide to try. Hugs and warmth sent your way!!! It will all be worth it 🙂

  5. Oh Molly, I know that whirl of emotion you must be feeling right now. I had something happen in my first pregnancy and it was strange how your whole world can change in a minute. Take care of you self and I’m think of you!

  6. I hope the sun shines bright for you today sweetie! I’m so sorry you are going through this but am also glad they found the problem early before there was harm to you or the baby. Thank goodness for medical technology!! Rest and let those who love you so much take care of you! {{{Hugs}}}

  7. What a blessing that they found the clot and that the baby is healthy and fine. Find joy in that. And when you see that beautiful aby, all te bruises will be worth it! :0)

  8. Molly, please be well and take care! This is your body’s way of telling you to take it easy, so listen!

    I had to stick myself with a needle with my twin pregnancy many years ago – I was on a terbutaline pump, which had to be moved from one leg to the other (and back again!) every 2 days. It isn’t easy, or fun, but you do what you have to do. Bell well and take care…sending hugs and good vibes!

  9. Molly -our prayers are with you – our best friend here on the island has had to have shots through both pregnancies for blood clotting. Not fun, but such a relief to know the problem exists and know how to manage it. And at the end… such a gift! My third pregnancy was so much more than the others – have two to run after while pregnant can wear you down, so I agree with Carrie – it is a call to slowing down, even when that seems impossible (I didn’t get blood clots, but got cholestasis, a liver condition). So slow down, enjoy the quiet moments, and be well!

  10. I’m so sorry to hear this. I hope you’re feeling better and that you can still find joy in this pregnancy. Thank god the baby is fine. You are so great to be able to look at the bright side of things like being able to leave the hospital when others may not. You are in my thoughts today.

  11. Molly– so, so happy that this was caught early on. It’s a bummer to have to get those shots (I had a friend who had to do the same thing) but it will come to an end, and you and baby are well–that is the thing. Rest dearie, and this too shall pass–love, hugs and prayers, xo.

  12. Oh my! I’m so glad this was discovered before you or the baby came to harm! I’ve known a couple people who have also had to have these shots during pregnancy — so I know they can be a little painful. I hope you are still able to enjoy the rest of the pregnancy with as little worry as possible. Take good care.

  13. God is good ALL THE TIME! Glad to hear that two shots every day is all you need. Your thoughts are profound and beautifully refelctive. Prayin’ for that little life!


  14. o my. my first thought is that I’m so very glad for modern medicine, and I know you are, too.

    thoughts and prayers for your (and precious peanut’s) safety and that you will be as anxiety-free as possible for the rest of this journey.

    you know we’ll all be thinking of you –

    take care

  15. How scary!! oh my gosh I would freak out. I’m so glad this is something manageable, that is lame you have to take shots for the rest of your pregnancy, but at least you know it’s helpful. We spent the weekend in the hospital too, I’ll blog about it later today.

  16. Oh my goodness – I am so glad that this was detected in time, and that both you and baby are going to be OK. I hope that this is an end to any scary stuff, and that the rest of the way is smoother sailing.

    Thinking good (and uncomplicated) thoughts for you!

  17. My goodness – what a lot to deal with… I hope the jewellery swap seems like fun and not a burden! Hope things settle down for you…x

  18. Good to hear that it was noticed and you were treated for it quickly. Put your feet up and let your husband and kids look after you. take good care of yourself and bub.xx

  19. Glad to hear that you and the baby are fine and that this was caught early. That does not sound like fun to have to take shots the rest of the pregnancy but if it keeps you and the baby healthy than it is all worth it.

  20. oh molly. dear molly, i am so glad the both of you are well! good for you finding a positive in such a scary experience, will be keeping you both in my prayers.

  21. Molly, I’ll be praying for you and the baby to continue on being healthy and the shots get less painful.

    I know how it feels to go through shots for pregnancy…I had to take tons of shots for all 3 of my pregnancies. Are you able to take the shots in your thigh at all because the shots I did I was able to do in 3 locations…tummy, thigh or upper arm and I must say the thigh was the best place for me.

  22. Oh, sweetie, I’m so sorry for all you’ve been through! How scary for you, especially going through a pregnancy. I will be praying for you and the little one. I know you will do great. Just take care of yourself, okay?

  23. i feel for you. really i do.

    i had a friend with a blood clot in her leg during her pregnancy. it wasn’t fun for her.

    i had complications in this pregnancy and spent a month on bedrest (with 5 children). also not fun.

    i hope all goes well for you. we are fortunate to have some of the best drs in the world so close to us in Balto!

  24. oh darling! i am praying for health and a happy spirit, and children that are taken care of by a mary poppins-like figure while you rest and recover. feel better!

  25. Praying for you right now… for strength and peace… for courage in your husband… for an extra measure of understanding in your family… and that you will give yourself whatever time and space you need to process.

  26. Hi! You are in my parayers! I take lovenox (low molecular weight heparain) twice a day- my third pregnancy doing so…. I have found my saddlebag area to be the best place- ask your ob or a maternal fetal specialist for a shot map- it will tell you where you can inject, and if you are using regular heparin, ask if and when you might be able to switch to lovenox- it hurts less… you have to switch back at the end of your pregnancy, but any relief is a bonus! You can do this- God is with you every step, every worry, every injection.

  27. Hi! You are in my parayers! I take lovenox (low molecular weight heparain) twice a day- my third pregnancy doing so…. I have found my saddlebag area to be the best place- ask your ob or a maternal fetal specialist for a shot map- it will tell you where you can inject, and if you are using regular heparin, ask if and when you might be able to switch to lovenox- it hurts less… you have to switch back at the end of your pregnancy, but any relief is a bonus! You can do this- God is with you every step, every worry, every injection.

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