brown paper packages

Still Thankful…

A few weeks ago, Cassi at BellaDia posted some pictures of these adorable sock kitties that she  made.  Of course, I had to comment on them, because my children are obsessed with all things CAT (of the stuffed variety). A few days later I got an email from Cassi saying that she wanted to send one to Emma! 
Yesterday, this package of joy arrived at my door. Not only did Cassi send a sock kitty, she sent one for each of the girls, in their own drawsting pouch. She sent each of the girls a little stack of sticker books, paints and candy, and she sent me some beautiful fabric, buttons, chocolate and vintage knitting patterns! How absolutely wonderful and kind and thoughtful and generous!

I could barely keep the kitties away from the girls to take the pictures…in fact, only the grey one is in these pictures, because the white one was in bed with Emma.

See the little hand in the corner, pulling the kitty off the table, while I’m trying to snap a quick picture?

I love the button details on the edge of the bags:

A wonderful stash of fabric for me…the brown polka-dot fabric is the same as the curtains I sewed for Emma’s room:

Thank you so much Cassi. It was a wonderful surprise in the mail. You are so talented and generous, like so many of the ladies I’ve met in the blogging community. Thank you!

A few weeks ago, Cassi at BellaDia posted some pictures of these adorable sock kitties that she  made.  Of course, I had to comment on them, because my children are obsessed with all things CAT (of the stuffed variety). A few days later I got an email from Cassi saying that she wanted to send one to Emma! 
Yesterday, this package of joy arrived at my door. Not only did Cassi send a sock kitty, she sent one for each of the girls, in their own drawsting pouch. She sent each of the girls a little stack of sticker books, paints and candy, and she sent me some beautiful fabric, buttons, chocolate and vintage knitting patterns! How absolutely wonderful and kind and thoughtful and generous!

I could barely keep the kitties away from the girls to take the pictures…in fact, only the grey one is in these pictures, because the white one was in bed with Emma.

See the little hand in the corner, pulling the kitty off the table, while I’m trying to snap a quick picture?

I love the button details on the edge of the bags:

A wonderful stash of fabric for me…the brown polka-dot fabric is the same as the curtains I sewed for Emma’s room:

Thank you so much Cassi. It was a wonderful surprise in the mail. You are so talented and generous, like so many of the ladies I’ve met in the blogging community. Thank you!

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