animal kingdom

A Blur of Black



After many phone calls, much stress, anticipation, and believe it or not a few tears, I am happy to announce the addition of OTIS into our extended family. He will not be joining the growing animal kindgom at my house(I’ll explain more on that later), but is now a much-needed, much-longed-for member of my mother-in-laws family of one. She lost her husband and son in car accident two years ago, and for the last several months she has been wanting a standard poodle…
Enter my sister…through a friend at her vet office she becomes the new owner of "quincy" a standard poodle, Quincy has babies, we work out a deal, my mother-in-law has a puppy! My mother-in-law drove a total of 32 hours in three days to pick up her puppy in maryland and in the process of the hike cross-country this puppy has fallen in love with her. As my husband said, imagine what it is like to live completely alone, especially in the evenings, and now there is another living, breathing thing to be with you.
This dog is one of a kind, he has bonded to her in a way I’ve never seen. He watches her. He trusts her. He likes to be touching her, especially her feet. There’s something special about him. Thank you God for big gifts that come in small, silky, black, curly packages.

By the way, do you know how hard it is to photograph a furry black puppy who is never still???




After many phone calls, much stress, anticipation, and believe it or not a few tears, I am happy to announce the addition of OTIS into our extended family. He will not be joining the growing animal kindgom at my house(I’ll explain more on that later), but is now a much-needed, much-longed-for member of my mother-in-laws family of one. She lost her husband and son in car accident two years ago, and for the last several months she has been wanting a standard poodle…
Enter my sister…through a friend at her vet office she becomes the new owner of "quincy" a standard poodle, Quincy has babies, we work out a deal, my mother-in-law has a puppy! My mother-in-law drove a total of 32 hours in three days to pick up her puppy in maryland and in the process of the hike cross-country this puppy has fallen in love with her. As my husband said, imagine what it is like to live completely alone, especially in the evenings, and now there is another living, breathing thing to be with you.
This dog is one of a kind, he has bonded to her in a way I’ve never seen. He watches her. He trusts her. He likes to be touching her, especially her feet. There’s something special about him. Thank you God for big gifts that come in small, silky, black, curly packages.

By the way, do you know how hard it is to photograph a furry black puppy who is never still???



The Girls

These kids kill me.




These kids kill me.





Blogging Haiku

Contributed by my sister:

A Blogging Hiaku
Molly starts to blog
Molly really goes whole hog
Sand and chicken dogs.

Contributed by my sister:

A Blogging Hiaku


Molly starts to blog

Molly really goes whole hog

Sand and chicken dogs.