goals, good stuff and what I’ve been up to

You guys, I’ve been totally absent from this place but I’m so excited to be sitting down with a cup of tea and the blinking cursor of a blank blog post this afternoon.  Over on Instagram, I’ve been alluding to some work I’m doing behind the scenes and while I’m not ready to share it with the world yet, I will let you know that I’m busy building a new online space. I am so excited about it and cannot wait to finally put it out there to the world, but woah, is it a ton of work! 

Every step forward requires 7 steps to the side. I’m building everything on my own, piece by piece and I’m learning so much along the way. It really is a labor of love. 

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animal kingdom / DAILY FARM LIFE

Sad goodbyes

Every time I pulled myself together today, the phone would ring again…my mom, the vet, another person hearing the news about Ruby.

The past several weeks, we’d been noticing Ruby losing weight pretty drastically. It also happened to coincide with an injury from over-doing things playing fetch with a visitor who didn’t know how bad her hips were getting. She would never quit. And she always brought the stick back for more.

But recently her weight loss had been alarming and it was definitely more than just her hips. We took her to the vet on Wednesday hoping it would be something simple– a parasite that was out of control, maybe a case of Lyme Disease. But blood work showed that there was definitely something more alarming going on–either a very severe case of Lyme or something much more serious.

Though we never were able to completely pinpoint the root, it was mostly obvious that we were dealing with the last stages of cancer. Ruby’s blood counts were incredibly low and it was almost unbelievable that she was still standing.

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There is work to be done

I was scrolling through Facebook the other day and a friend had posted a wide-angle shot of her living room. “We’ve been in this house for 15 years,” she said, “and I can finally say that it’s just the way we want it.” 

Her words struck me. Fifteen years. 


I’m often guilty of those Pinterest-scrolling wanty feelings. The beautiful kitchens and uber-organized mudrooms, pristine bathrooms and peaceful bedrooms. When I would peel my eyes away from the computer and look around our house, I’d feel an urgency and discontent about my own home. 

But the move to Waffle Hill has been different. Even before we moved one piece of furniture into this home, Dan and I decided that our approach to Waffle Hill was going to be different. We were going to take our time as we worked through the house, making improvements and changes and upgrades. We were going to do things well, not just do them to get them done. 

I think a lot of this philosophy change has something to do with this place. For the first time our family is living in a place that actually feels like home. The temporal feeling is gone. We want to invest in this lovely old place.

But still, with any old home there are some things that require more immediate attention. There is always, always something that needs to be repaired or replaced. And Waffle Hill, like any old home, has her fair share of things on that list.


I learned a lot from the work we did at Woodlawn. And I’m using a lot of those experiences as we approach new projects here. 

We’ve done a few things so far:


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