It seems hard to believe that I’ve yet to share this huge news for our family with all of you. I think I’ve been pretty tight-lipped on the whole thing because there were so many steps leading up to it, so many things that needed to happen first, that I wasn’t letting myself get completely excited until I knew it was really, truly going to happen.
At the beginning of next month we will be leaving Woodlawn and moving just a few minutes up the road to my grandfather’s farm.
I hinted at this on Instagram several weeks ago and so many people were stunned. After hearing the story of how we ended up at Woodlawn it was hard for them to believe that we’d be leaving. I totally understand.
But behind the scenes, even from day one, Dan and I had this strong feeling that we wouldn’t be at Woodlawn forever, or for very long. Without getting into all the details, I will say that it’s been a challenge these past four years. It’s hard living in a place that you’ve fallen out of love with, after falling so hard. It’s hard to live in a place that you know isn’t the right place for you. And it can be hard living in a place that you know you eventually need to leave, without knowing where in the world the next place will be.
But like so many other times in my life, God had everything under control. And this next step is better and more perfect than anything I could have worked out on my own.
“It may be that when we no longer know what to do,
we have come to our real work,
and that when we no longer know which way to go,
we have begun our real journey.” –Wendell Berry
In just a few weeks, we’ll be moving into the main house on my grandfather’s farm. If you’ve followed me on Instagram or even here for very long you’ve already had many glimpses inside and outside of Waffle Hill farm. It’s been the backdrop to some of my favorite photographs and favorite last-minute family suppers at picnic tables perched on the top of the hill. It’s become our Christmas evening tradition and the scene of many sledding parties and Robert Burns’ dinners.
My grandfather has built a beautiful addition on the side of the house, designed by my architect brother-in-law, that we’re all swooning over. He’s happy as can be and we are so blessed to have the privilege of living right next door. I’ve watched my girls become attached to him these last few years and I’m so grateful they’ll get to grow up with him so close by.
Moving into Waffle Hill feels like the passing of a torch I’m not sure I’m fit to carry. Grandpa and Gammy were hard-working, giving, talented people and the house and farm has their fingerprints all over it. Family has been going through the house these past several months, cleaning out, sorting, saving, remembering. As each room is undone and peeling paint and cracked walls and dust is exposed, my heart is overwhelmed. Not with the work that’s ahead but with the gift that we’ve been given.
I am grateful for our years at Woodlawn. I’ve learned a lot of important lessons here. But I’m also ready to let her go. We’ve already begun packing boxes and moving things up to Waffle Hill. Next week we’ll take a break for the county fair and the girls’ sheep show, and then we’ll focus completely on the move. Our goal is to be moved in before school begins.
I am so excited to share this journey with all of you. And to give you glimpses along the way as we add our fingerprints to the ones already on this place.
so excited for you all!
goodness, that IS big news! congratulations on your homecoming, for it sounds as if that is truly what this move is. I’ve missed your regular posts, and am excited to follow along as you make this move.
I want to come sledding on Waffle Hill one day. It sounds kind of bumpy. (: On another note, I like reading about your life, your roots, your sense of place and the thought you put into what is truly “home.” That question is always on my mind,”what, where, is home?” and I sometimes feel as if I’ve “fallen out of love with my own home” but can’t put a finger on why. Thanks for the look inside.
Molly, I just finished Berry’s book, Hannah Coulter. It was so rich (lots of tears shed) and the beauty of you continuing in a place/home where your grandpa has been reminds me of that book. Waffle Hill must be a wonderful place. I look forward to seeing more of your move.
Blessings on this new exciting season ahead Molly. I’m so glad you’re not moving far away…
I can sense God’s peace from the Beautiful photos. ✌️
Giant news! Such lovely thoughts on home; they’ll surely sit with me a long while, since I feel I’m always working those thoughts back and forth in my mind.
These photos are powerful and beautiful – what a wonderful thing for your family.
I am wicked good at packing up things….just holler if you find yourself overwhelmed and understaffed. We are making a move ourselves soon (September)….downsizing in Bel Air, upsizing in Charleston, SC. I feel your excitement, understand your anxiety and share the “wish we were already packed up and moved” feeling that will certainly hit after the 4H show. You are a fabulous writer and though you are in a different season of life than I am….I relate very well to you,
Sweet sister.
Peace and love, Cheryl
So excited for you and your precious family! I know you will feel right at home the moment you walk through the front door. May God continue to bless you and your new endeavor. Much love always, Cindy
big, exciting news! xo
molly….!! yes, big news to us, but it sounds like the next right step has been brewing for you all for some time, now. what a gift to have been a part of woodlawn’s history and to be in the right time and place for your move to waffle hill… all the best with your move especially in this heat!!
Molly I just seen this now….what a wonderful gift that you have been given. Thank you for sharing this with us all, the pictures are outstanding as the words you write are like I am there. It looks beautiful and such a blessing. Thanks again for sharing and am looking forward to seeing how you put your fingerprints on your new home.