good finds

Favorite find: Twined

If you asked me what some of my favorite topics are to talk about on MommyCoddle, at the top of the list would be connecting my readers with products, services and good things that I think they’ll love. And this new site called Twined definitely falls into that category. I think the idea behind it, and how it works is pretty genius. I even connect with a few readers who even own small businesses and often use and refer this page to teach them new aspects of owning a small business. It not only helps to expand y knowledge but also helps me connect better with them.

If you’re anything like me, making a big purchase requires two things: a lot of research and a lot of friend and family polling. I’ll spend tons of time consulting product reviews, researching prices and finding out what my friends and family use.

Which Vitamix should I get? I polled my Facebook friends and got great feedback on features, things to consider (I never would have thought to consider if it would fit under my cupboards) and learned about buying refurbished models. When I registered for my first baby, I had my sister on speed dial–calling her every few minutes to ask how many onesies I’d really need, which carseat she used for her kids and how the whole numbered diaper system worked.


Twined is like your friends, family and favorite review sites helping you scour the web for the best products and helping you make smart buying decisions. Twined was created with the customer in mind, helping to make the shopping experience better and cheaper for consumers.

How does it work?

Through the Twined community and Twined Tastemakers, they get your opinions on high quality products that you love. Twined Tastemakers then review and research these products to help you find the best products out there and then they share them on the Twined site. If you are interested in the product Twined will work directly with the brand to negotiate discounted prices on the product.

But there’s more–on Twined there’s power in numbers. As more people commit to buy the product the price continues to drop. So the more buddies you get on the deal with you, the less you have to pay and you’ll never pay more than the lowest price.

Twined shopping dashboard

Is there a catch?

Nope. You will need to sign up to be part of the Twined community, but the service is free. You need to logon to your account to get access to the deals and discounts, but that’s also free. Your information is never sold to a third party and there’s no annoying spam filling up your inbox.

Twined believes in transparency and honesty. Their goal is not to sell you something but to match their community with the best possible deals on high quality products that they want and will use. The tastemakers are hand-selecting the products that they want share with the Twined community–products that they already use and love–not paid product reviews. The whole philosophy is built on community and putting the power back into hands of consumers with Twined as go-between for brands and customers.

I’ve personally spent time talking to the guys behind the Twined company and they’re awesome. They truly have honesty and customer satisfaction as the most important goal behind their company. I’m really excited to share their service with you and to let you know that I’m one of Twined newest Tastemakers!

Later this week, I’ll be sharing my first product with you — one of my favorite baby gear items that I tell all my expecting friends to add to their shopping list.

In the meantime, you can check out Twined here and read a little bit more about how it all works. It’s definitely a good thing worth sharing!

2 comments on “Favorite find: Twined”

  1. Such a great description of Twined! We’re excited to be working with someone who is so committed to the same values – and, of course, who has such an beautiful sense of design!

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