I found this scan of an old family picture when I was doing some cleaning out this week. Yes, I’m the somewhat mischevious-looking one holding the stick. And if I remember correctly, I probably got scolded for smacking the stubborn steers as my sister and brother worked with them, walking up and down our long driveway.
History repeats itself, except this time with lambs. The girls and I are walking, tugging and pleading with these stubborn lambs up and down the lane every night. Each night I silently cross my fingers that we’ll have a breakthrough. That the lambs will realize that it’s way more enjoyable to walk than to be pulled. So far, no luck. And time is ticking. The fair is exactly two weeks away.
Our mother would send us up and down the driveway with our steers, our lambs, probably even our pigs at some point. And now, I’m demanding the same of my girls.
In the meantime, here are a few things for your Friday….
*This is my yearly PSA, reminding you to see your dermatologist for a skin cancer “head to toe” check. I went yesterday, and was reminded how important it is.
*Made these. So easy. So good. No hot baking required.
*Today’s rain and cooler temps means I’m making more of this.
*Shameless request. I was chosen as a finalist for the Red Tricycle Awards for best Mom/Dad blog AND most beautiful Pinterest boards. Woah. Mind blown. Would you take a moment and vote for me? I owe you.
Mom and Dad Blog:
Pinterest Boards
*The lovely Caravan Shoppe just launched a project on Kickstarter.
*I’ve really loved the direction that Erin Loechner has been taking Design for Mankind. This post, while announcing the launch of her new eyeglass frames collection is just a small example of her lovely words and perspective.
*Love this: Mini-herb garden, rethinking the hanging planter
Happy Friday friends! More soon. xo.
Somewhere along my bloghopping rambles, I stumbled on your site, and have been quietly following for a month or so now. I just wanted to pipe up with a bit of advice about the sheep! I was in sheep 4-H from 5 (pre-4-H) to 18+ (chaperoned and volunteered until my mid 20's, actually). I've walked (dragged?) more sheep than I can count up and down trying to get them to lead, but I eventually stumbled on a positive reinforcement technique that actually teaches them a lot quicker! Try having your kids hold a handful of grain – let the sheep sniff it, then put some pressure on the halter. Whenever they do a little move or jump forward, reward them with a taste of grain (grass also works, but grain is a better motivator and easier to parcel out in little bits). Pretty quick (quicker than you'd think for animals with such tiny brains!) they'll put two and two together: pressure = move forward = treat. Then you can gradually wean them off from the treats by only intermittently reinforcing, until 99% of the time they're walking around just fine.
I tried a lot of things over the years (even things like walking the sheep on the paved road, so that when they inevitable rolled over or jumped up and landed on their knees it wasn't pleasant for them!) but nothing worked quicker, easier, or was less painful for all involved. So I just thought I'd share 🙂
You have a lovely home-in-progress, and I'm glad to see the future generation of shepherds in the making! Good luck at the show!
how warm or sweet the picture shows!! and thank you for sharing the ideas for skin care.
A good reminderI had my skin check on monday. Two moles are on the watch list, but I don't have to go back for another year. It still makes me nervous, though.
I love the scan and the expressions on everyones faces.
I thought that was Emma. Wow! 🙂