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7 lovely things

what I got her

Good morning and Happy Valentine's my friends. Oh, I missed this place. I'm completely procrastinating on things like laundry and school work and showers and a huge mess in the kitchen from pink chocolate chips pancakes. But, it's been too long. So, hello. How about a list this morning, shall we?

1. I cashed in on my Christmas present this past weekend. A girls weekend away with two of my bestest cousins. We had grand plans of doing important things like historical tours and traditional working-farm visits–but it happily and comfortably turned into lounging and knitting in hotel rooms, long dinners out and antique shopping. It was perfect. And while, you know, I fought that mama-guilt about being away, it was such a good weekend. So so good. I have made it official that my husband can give me the same gift every year.

Be still my heart.

2. Do you see this aisle of goodness I stumbled upon in the very back of one shop? I may have had trembling hands when I took this picture.

first tractor driving lessons

3. First tractor-driving lessons with her great uncle. The report is that she's a pro and only stalled it out once. Learning to drive a tractor is on my to-do list. I think she just beat me to it. When asked if she wanted to trade in her pony for a tractor, we only got a roll of the pre-teen eyeballs.

4.  My new favorite and also perfect Valentine's listening: Us & Our Daughters (with a hat tip to my music soulmate. You know who you are.) On their site they share that last year was a tough year for them and their love. But they took to songwriting as their therapy. It pulled them through and this album is the fruit of that time. It's beautiful. 

5. Some love of the 4-hooved variety.

6. This knitted lovely is going in the queue. 

7. Some love it's good to remember.



what I got her

Good morning and Happy Valentine's my friends. Oh, I missed this place. I'm completely procrastinating on things like laundry and school work and showers and a huge mess in the kitchen from pink chocolate chips pancakes. But, it's been too long. So, hello. How about a list this morning, shall we?

1. I cashed in on my Christmas present this past weekend. A girls weekend away with two of my bestest cousins. We had grand plans of doing important things like historical tours and traditional working-farm visits–but it happily and comfortably turned into lounging and knitting in hotel rooms, long dinners out and antique shopping. It was perfect. And while, you know, I fought that mama-guilt about being away, it was such a good weekend. So so good. I have made it official that my husband can give me the same gift every year.

Be still my heart.

2. Do you see this aisle of goodness I stumbled upon in the very back of one shop? I may have had trembling hands when I took this picture.

first tractor driving lessons

3. First tractor-driving lessons with her great uncle. The report is that she's a pro and only stalled it out once. Learning to drive a tractor is on my to-do list. I think she just beat me to it. When asked if she wanted to trade in her pony for a tractor, we only got a roll of the pre-teen eyeballs.

4.  My new favorite and also perfect Valentine's listening: Us & Our Daughters (with a hat tip to my music soulmate. You know who you are.) On their site they share that last year was a tough year for them and their love. But they took to songwriting as their therapy. It pulled them through and this album is the fruit of that time. It's beautiful. 

5. Some love of the 4-hooved variety.

6. This knitted lovely is going in the queue. 

7. Some love it's good to remember.



16 comments on “7 lovely things”

  1. Re #2: I always hit up that section of thrift shops in hopes that one day I will hit the mother load and find a score like any one of those pots, dishes etc that you have there.

    Amazing find.

    What did you buy? I’m dying to know. It had to have been the blue pot with the leaves on it, had to have been.

    Glad you had a nice weekend.

    amelia from hks

  2. My kiddos love the tractor lessons the got from their great uncle. It is unfortunate we live states away so they haven’t had more. So glad you time went well and you can look forward to the gift again next year.

  3. indeed! i have that very same esprit vest in my stack, also. i actually began it already, but the moss stitch and i did not get along a’TALL. so i frogged it, and it’s waiting to be redone, perhaps this time in a basic rib.

    and please send me a stack of those vintage dansk casseroles, however so many you wish, in any/all colors, asap, thanks.

    (oh, what a weekend!)

  4. My goodness! WHERE on earth is that shop and I want to go RIGHT THIS MINUTE!! Seriously!! I’m only about an hour or two from you ( I think) I could be there next weekend! Oh, to have one of those dutch ovens, sigh…

  5. Hi Molly! I just discovered your blog while I was looking for catherineholm pictures. What a great thrift store you found 😀 whoa! Glad to discover your blog 🙂 Will continue reading.

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