I realize, that's a real uplifting title for a Friday late Thursday night post. But, in the spirit of honesty that I like to maintain on my blog, I have some bummer things to share.
Since last Friday, Mary's most-special cat Mouse has been missing. If you've been around here for awhile, you'll know that Mouse has a special place in Mary's heart, and really, in all our hearts.
Since he was tiny, she has been toting him around until he was so big his long fluffy tail and legs seemed to drag on ground as she carried him around in her arms. When she was little, without FAIL she would wake up every morning, still in pajamas, often in barefeet, and head outside to find him, pick him up and nuzzle him. She'd sit outside talking to him and snuggling him until I forced her to come in to eat breakfast.
As he got older even just a week ago, he'd hop up onto the roof outside her bedroom and meow at the window. She'd let him in and show up downstairs each morning with him already in her arms. He was big and beautiful and he definitely belonged to her.
When Mary was going through all her health scares two years ago, Mouse was the cat who she carried in her arms, on the car drive to get her blood drawn. He was the only reason we could convince her to calm down and get in the car.
Of all our cats–he is special. And circumstances the night before he disappeared (that I don't want to get into on here for fear of my little ones will read them), have me believing he is gone for good.
We're all pretty heartbroken. And as Mary says, "But there'll never be another Mouse."
Nope. Never.
As always, thanks for reading, friends. Thanks for following along. Sharing in the ups (and unfortunate downs) of our days on Thomas Run.
May the weekend be brighter, warmer, and full of good things.
(((hugs))) to you all…it’s evident that Mouse left paw prints on your heart.
I’m so sorry about Mouse. I know it’s hard to walk your children through the loss (one way or the other) of a pet, while trying to walk through it yourself with grace. Keep remembering that God binds up the brokenhearted…
i’ve been thinking about you all and mouse since you first mentioned something on habit. xoxoxo
heartbreaking… it is so difficult losing a best friend…. sending warm thoughts to Mary and to the rest of you
I’m so sorry. I know what it’s like to lose a good friend. xx
So sorry for you.
So, so sad. The love between a child and a pet is magical. May you all be comforted by strong and loving memories of your time with Mouse. xo
I’m sorry to hear about Mouse, we know all to well the heartbreak that comes with losing a pet, may your memories hold strong in your hearts.
I’m so sorry!! Thank you for sharing the downs as well as the ups.
I’m so so sorry for all of you and especially for Mary. Sweet babe. Sending warm wishes your way.
light and love to you all, and extra warmth and peace to mary…
That is heartbreaking! I hope you find out what happened to your sweet pet..Just so sad!
I am so so sorry to hear this. I was hoping all week for brighter news for your family.
Thinking of you! Loosing a pat is a hard hard thing.
I’m quite sure your Mouse and our Nemo have traveled to the same place. And I’m also sure that it doesn’t mean you’ll stop searching as we haven’t either since July 4th. This rural country life has it’s up and downs. :o(
I’m so sorry, Molly. Losing a beloved pet is heartbreaking – especially for a little one. Hugs from here.
Hello, Molly (and girls). I’ve started following you just recently (and I must confess I just had to read all of your blog from 2005 onwards), and being a horse-lover, farm-lover, cat-lover, simple-complex-life-lover, I really enjoyed the journey so far, with all the ups and downs.
I was so sorry to hear this, and I hope a little love from a stranger in Brazil can make you and Mary feel a little better. I lost my own super cat this year. I had many cats over the course of my life, and while I did love some of them an extra bit as a kid, Tigru was THE cat. My cat. There are cats, and we love them, and there are supercats, which become our friends, and part of us. Of course this applies to all kinds of pets, I just haven’t had my share of them yet.
She stayed with me for 15 years, and me being 26 now, it’s more than half my life (and I draw comfort in thinking she’ll still have been with me more than half my life for another 4 years). I feel sad sometimes, even a few months later, and sometimes it feels like I’ll never love another pet as much. It hurts, but then I look at Smoke, our 2yo cat-man, and I feel like maybe I already do, and if he isn’t another supercat, at least he lets me know that I can love again.
Let Mary remember all the good times, and miss him as much as she can, and then also remind her that our hearts only grow bigger with each new love, and we grow up a bit with every single one. I just want to say I feel with her, and with all of you.
Here’s wishing you all the best, and wishing Mouse is somewhere happy, with lots of hugs and good food in high chairs.
When I saw your flickr photo and then read your caption I was afraid to come read your post for fear of something like this. Poor sweet Mary and the rest of you, it is so sad, so heartbreaking.When I was a kid, our big grey cat went missing for over a week. Then one night he showed up at our doorstep. We never knew what happened.Without knowing your circumstances, I still hope Mouse shows up too.
:(I am so sorry. we are thinking of you all today and Mary especially. I sure hope Mouse comes back.
I grew up in the woods of New Hampshire. Throughout my childhood we lost two cats to the outdoors. I was endlessly optimistic and would call and call and call every night until my voice wore out. It was sad never knowing where our little friends ended up but I think at that age, it was better that there was a little hope that maybe they would come back or maybe they had wandered off to a new home.
I am a total stranger here but have had a connection with a kitty the way it sounds your Mary has one with Mouse. Wholehearted and pure. I am so sorry for your sadness over his disappearance. Still hopeful that he will come back but sending healing thoughts too.
My daughter was just about the same age when her special cat friend went missing. So, so sad and she still misses him (35 years later). But she just kept on getting, loving and appreciating cats. I hope that Mouse will return or that another very special cat will come your daughter’s way soon.
I’m heartbroken for you, your daughter and your family. I understand those special pets. Prayers that Mouse still will reappear…
What a beautiful, sweet cat. I am so, so sorry. We’ve certainly been there, too. Those special ones are never ever forgotten- my first kitty Stubs was just like that. Let me dress him in doll clothes, push him in the carriage; he was my baby. I was three when we lost him and I still remember the day in complete clarity. But I think it also helped me understand the reality that love opens us up to hurt, and even with pain, love is so worth it.I pray for unexpected joys this weekend!
Poor Mouse, poor Mary. There is something so amazing about a special pet, not everyone is lucky enough to have one, I have and although he has been gone for many years he is still in my heart which is where mouse will be always for Mary xxBrenda
I’m so sorry 🙁 You had abeautiful cat! I am sending prayers your way that your sweet little cat will find his way back, or that peace will be filled in your hearts as you greive the loss.
p.s. Your blog is beautiful, and you have amazing stories to tell 😉
~Samantha (Woodland Woolens)
Oh Mary, I am so so sorry that Mouse is lost and I so so hope that he finds his way back to your arms or that he is safe. Your friends, Joan, Happy and Scooter
I was worried when you made mention of it on Habit. So sorry for you all especially Mary.
Oh no! Bummer indead. I was already a teenager when I lost my cat equivalent to Mouse, and it was so painful… Hang in there Mary.
Sad to hear about Mary’s cat disappearing and the heartache that is loss… prayers for her.
i’ve been thinking about you and your girl for days. and hoping that you’re feeling ok. and appreciating, so much, you sharing the downs, as well as the ups. xoxo, you.
I am very sorry about Mouse. I hope you can find him. Kiss Mary for me and say he is in your heartxoxoEdey
Poor mouse, I really hope he comes back 🙁 all will be well!