Just taking a moment this evening, to welcome my new blog sponsors for March.
A familiar face here on this blog, but so happy to welcome DD back as the featured sponsor. Just take a few moments to peruse the products on the DD website, and you'll be inspired to try your hand at digital scrapbooking. Feeling intimidated? The site has great tips, freebies, clear directions for getting started and a welcoming community of helpful, encouraging and inspiring digital scrappers. Even Emma is eagerly awaiting the opportunity to give it a try. So over the next few months, we'll be working on ways to incorporate some digital scrapbooking ideas, and the documenting of our days, into our homeschooling curriculum….
I'm so happy to welcome Stubby Pencil Studio as a blog sponsor. I have always been a fan of their amazing collection of creative goodness. When Kate and I were emailing back and forth, she sent me a link to their collection of gifts for Easter baskets. Move over hollow chocolate rabbit, I have a feeling that the bunny may be doing some online shopping this year. Who can resist such great art and school supplies? Seriously.
Welcome back to Gina from Letter Girl on etsy. She has a lovely shop filled with handmade and custom-designed stamps for your envelopes, gift tags, etc. She has that beautiful handwriting and style we all wish we had. Gina must have been a pretty popular girl in grade school. I bet everyone wanted her to decorate their folders and book covers. Gina will be offering a great giveaway on my blog in early April!
Kathreen has done it again–creating a fabulous downloadable mini-mag for kids. I'll be sharing the magazine with you in more detail later this week, as well as offering several copies for giveaway. Here's a little hint: find yourself a source for beeswax and then come back to be inspired.
Consider yourself warned, this shop is crazy good. The flagship store is a mere hour and a half from my home and one of these days I will make the pilgrimage. But in the meantime, take a look around, and don't say I didn't warn you.
**A personal note about sponsors**
There is always a lot of talk among bloggers about sponsors—to have or not to have, that is the question. Here's my opinion (though I don't feel in any way that I need to defend myself)–it's your blog and your decision. And personally, I feel like one thing you can count on from me is that I am generally pretty upfront and honest about my life. And if I can pick a few great people, and artists, and sites to share with you, and in return I can keep this blog "in the black", then to me, that's a good partnership. And if you have a shop or a site that you'd like to share with my readers and are interested in sponsorship, please don't hesitate to contact me. I am doing my best to keep it affordable so that we can all glean a little good from it all.