When you're two years old, there aren't many things you can do all.by.yourself.
But since a certain little person discovered how to loop her arms through the giant rope swing, climb to the highest point along the trunk of the tree and dive forward, we've hardly seen much of her inside these walls.
When the house seems a little too quiet, I can peek out the kitchen window and catch a glimpse of the rope–swaying back and forth. And if I listen hard enough, I usually hear some two year-old chatter and some squeals of delight. And when I call her name out the window, "Elizabeth???" I hear in reply: "Swinging, Mommy." And I know, as if I didn't know already, exactly where she is.
I daresay, it's almost as good as a live-in babysitter.
So if you're looking for Elizabeth….
this is where you'll find her.
It is an amazing feeling to watch them reach for their first independence. A has been spending long stretches of time in his tent in the yard telling stories to the beach ball and painting.
I would have a hard time sharing that swing if it was around here.
We REALLY need one of these in our backyard!
Oh, I so want a turn on that swing. Lucky Elizabeth.
So sweet! I need a little more encouragement to let my kids play like that.
that sweet girl.
I saw her the other day swinging away! How did she get so big!
I love that picture with her legs in the air!
Oh,I can just imagine how that feels for her. She’s too cute. “Swinging, mommy.” That’s the best.
that is one happy girl and a happy post. i’ll close my google reader on this note. thank you.
oh that little girl is just too cute
I TOO so want a turn on that swing, at night, underneath a star-filled sky. Live it up, Elizabeth.
oh my gosh how sweet….love this post!
Oh, this post really gets to me… my little boy is 2 and he would love this, and yes, it is so frustrating for them not to be able to do much by themselves…
How wonderful for both you and her that she has discovered this is so entertaining!
Two year olds, aside from mastering the temper tantrum, are the cutest, most precious, lovable creatures on earth. They have huge, innocent smiles revealing a minimal amount of baby teeth.
They love to throw their hands in the air and make gleeful, adorable noises that need to be boxed and sold at a high price to the movie industry…
too fun…I think I’d sneak out there and join her when I got a chance…
brilliant. we really need one of those around here. the rope swing. we have the two year old covered.
completely adorable, that girl of yours.
jillian, you are so right. two is such a sweet age.
oh, that looks like fun!and you have a beautiful yard.
we let our 2 yr old boy wander in and out the back door all day long. nothing beats the contentment he seems to feel after a little solitary exploring/playing by himself. now i just have to show my husband that awesome rope swing!
Love the pictures of Elizabeth and the “Swinging, Mommy.” My Lily is the same age and I am enjoying every minute of it.
I share your words my little one 2 1/2 yrs old love explore and talks by herselfCristina from Italy