While I was away, I kept a few notes of the things I had been doing, tucked in my back pocket. I….
…cleaned the house. And watched it get dirty again.
…filled the bird feeders. Twice.
…thought about sewing. But didn't.
…watched Emma on ice skates on my grandparents' pond.
…had habit withdrawal.
…played a game of memory.
…cooked in my dutch oven. Three times.
…nursed a black eye.
…made soup.
…bought new books. And fell in love with homeschooling again.
…got a better internet connection.
…thanked my husband for a freshly painted pantry.
…administered Tylenol.
…mourned the end of a favorite magazine.
…fussed with my camera settings.
…thought about writing that children's book.
…told my girls the story.
…took a nap. Or two. Or three.
…made spring rolls.
…confiscated angry notes to little sisters.
…gave everyone in the family a haircut.
…started a new book
…finished a project.
…paid bills.
…bought a wing in the library in library fines.
…removed peanuts from nostrils.
…created and shipped out ten valentine crafts for babycenter.
…baked granola.
…made ambitious garden plans. Extremely ambitious.
…turned a fridge door into a dry erase board.
…got overwhelmed by messes. And then recovered.
…fixed a woodstove door that fell off in my hands. Again.
…watched a heron fly low across the yard.
…nursed a rooster with a sore toe.
…ignored the laundry and watched a movie with the girls.
…enjoyed empty moments in my day.
…missed all of YOU!
Hi! I'm back. Yay.
Glad you’re back!Just had to tell you how much the purple sister note made me crack up! Those girls are Funny!
What a cool list of things! The whole cleaning the house and watching it get messy again… that is very much me. I haven’t been reading your blog long enough to know: do you homeschool? I tried it last year (after years of thinking about it), but only lasted two months. It turns out I am very high-strung. And here I’d always thought I was laid-back…
Library fines…a most enjoyable civic duty. *grin* You are supporting something you really believe in!
only you can make such a list so interesting and funny… thanks! i loved this post.
We missed you too! How’s the Mac? Color me jealous.
Wow, you’ve been a busy little bee. Love that your ambitiously planning a garden like I am here. So, whatcha gonna grow?
Isn’t it amazing how full our lives really are when we stop to think? Glad you are back online again, you have been missed.
Good to have you back! Missed ya 🙂
Loved your list. You have been a busy busy bee.
Wondertime is ending? PLease say this is a joke. I love that magazine.
wow! you’ve been busy! and I am so sad about wondertime 🙁
hello friend! welcome back!
Sounds like a rewarding way to spend a computer free few days. Glad you’re back though. 🙂
Life really is full when you see the small details. And your details are full of inspirations. Thanks.
Sorry to read about Wondertime. I’ve enjoyed the magazine in the past and the mateial was exceptional. But I was always disappointed in the advertising content. It was as if it were bank rolled by Disney and such. I hope you find a new place for your content.
Glad you’re back! Sounds like you were super productive, too. Send me some of those vibes….
we missed you too.
I love your lists. I just One Man’s Meat on my library list. I adore E.B. White – I’m excited!
Oh man, I am cracking up. I think I found the match to her shoe…I finally got into the kids closets behind the dressers and I found at least three pairs of Lorelei’s without a partner- how did that happen? (Course they’re three sizes to small anyways, now.) One of them looks just like hers! *laughter*
I am glad you had a good time ‘away’ but I’m glad you’re back!
you were busy!!! :^)
YAY indeed!!!! You have been missed!
Had to start blogging myself again. 🙂
i love the note between sisters… growing up with plenty of sisters I remember notes like that!
Good grief! thank God! hurray for comebacks with lots of photos 🙂
I totally enjoyed your entire post. Busy and funny and real. Love that mean sister artwork! Glad that you’re back. How did the computer crash go? Save anything?
I had no idea about Wondertime! Is there an official announcement somewhere? Or did I miss something?
What??? Is wondertime ending?! I really did read the other stuff you wrote, but this stuck me! This mag is soooooo good. Did you contribute to it?
What a lovely blog you have. I followed a link today from Shim & Sons.
I loved your “high calling” post.
geez, i’m glad you’re back. and i love your list. of course.
Busy mama! I’m glad to see you back.
Glad to see you back again, you have been busy
Your blog is the best. I love it. I have been reading a long time and I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy it. Thanks!
Great post. It’s got me thinking about what my list would look like.
lol looks like you’ve had a busy day!
Hi Jo here – (from a past kiddie parcel swap) I am back in the saddle as full time carer – yey! And wondering if there are any swaps in the pipeline? Nimue and Romy would love to do another one – it’s been such a long time….
Glad you are back and that list is hilarious!