babyhood / celebrations

She’s one


The pregnancy with Elizabeth was quite a roller coaster. Blood clots, painful shots, a single umbilical artery, potential birth defects, high risk doctors, multiple ultrasounds, multiple doctors, abnormal test results. It was a lesson in faith and Elizabeth a lesson in miracles–as she emerged into this world with a knotted umbilical cord wrapped around her neck. A little miracle.

With her in our arms, we thought all was good, the "issues" behind us until abnormal test results came again and again. More doctors, more tests. And more news–all tests were false. We were in the clear. One year later and you’d never know the road we traveled to get here had so many bumps, which in reality are dimples compared to the potholes that so many go through. God is good and faithful.

And here I sit, one year later, and I can hardly believe it’s possible. One year?

In keeping with my birthday post traditions, a little list of what I love–and little Elizabeth Paige, gets an extra column–the things that make me crazy! (in the best way.)

What I love:

*we have a song. and it’s the only one you want to hear me sing at bedtime
*you love to have your head rubbed, hair tucked behind your ears, cheeks stroked
*you stretch, hands over your head, legs stick-straight every morning when I lay you down on the changing table
*when the wind is blowing in your face, or the sun in your eyes, you snuggle your head into my chest
*you laugh like an owl hoots–a deep, happy laugh in your belly.
*when you see people you love, you get so excited a shiver runs through your body
*you call me, "mum-mum"


What drives me crazy (but I still kinda love) or You’d think by now I’d learn that:

*You pull off my glasses every time I sit you on my lap.
*You suck on the charred pieces of wood around the wood burning stove. It’s organic, right? (I should probably clarify–the wood isn’t hot. what kind of mother do you think I am??)
*You eat the soil out of the flower pots. also organic??
*You’re obsessed with the toilet and darn if the girls don’t forget to close the door when they leave the bathroom, let alone put down the lid.
*Every time I lay you down for a diaper change you flip over onto your tummy faster than lightning. You find it quite comical.
*Every morning, every morning, you know to go into the girls’ room and pull down their glasses of water that are on the table between their beds–onto the floor, onto yourself.
*When I put a pile of Cheerios in front of you, you scatter them all around the floor and table with a few sweeps of your hands.
*You stand up on your tippy-toes, reach over your head and pull down all the neat, organized stacks of paper on my desk.
*You also sit quietly under my desk and empty the trash can onto the floor, piece by piece.
*I put your hat on, you take it off. I put your hat on, you take it off.

You have a sweet, gentle, content spirit that brings peace and joy to our home. I can’t imagine our family without you.


The pregnancy with Elizabeth was quite a roller coaster. Blood clots, painful shots, a single umbilical artery, potential birth defects, high risk doctors, multiple ultrasounds, multiple doctors, abnormal test results. It was a lesson in faith and Elizabeth a lesson in miracles–as she emerged into this world with a knotted umbilical cord wrapped around her neck. A little miracle.

With her in our arms, we thought all was good, the "issues" behind us until abnormal test results came again and again. More doctors, more tests. And more news–all tests were false. We were in the clear. One year later and you’d never know the road we traveled to get here had so many bumps, which in reality are dimples compared to the potholes that so many go through. God is good and faithful.

And here I sit, one year later, and I can hardly believe it’s possible. One year?

In keeping with my birthday post traditions, a little list of what I love–and little Elizabeth Paige, gets an extra column–the things that make me crazy! (in the best way.)

What I love:

*we have a song. and it’s the only one you want to hear me sing at bedtime
*you love to have your head rubbed, hair tucked behind your ears, cheeks stroked
*you stretch, hands over your head, legs stick-straight every morning when I lay you down on the changing table
*when the wind is blowing in your face, or the sun in your eyes, you snuggle your head into my chest
*you laugh like an owl hoots–a deep, happy laugh in your belly.
*when you see people you love, you get so excited a shiver runs through your body
*you call me, "mum-mum"


What drives me crazy (but I still kinda love) or You’d think by now I’d learn that:

*You pull off my glasses every time I sit you on my lap.
*You suck on the charred pieces of wood around the wood burning stove. It’s organic, right? (I should probably clarify–the wood isn’t hot. what kind of mother do you think I am??)
*You eat the soil out of the flower pots. also organic??
*You’re obsessed with the toilet and darn if the girls don’t forget to close the door when they leave the bathroom, let alone put down the lid.
*Every time I lay you down for a diaper change you flip over onto your tummy faster than lightning. You find it quite comical.
*Every morning, every morning, you know to go into the girls’ room and pull down their glasses of water that are on the table between their beds–onto the floor, onto yourself.
*When I put a pile of Cheerios in front of you, you scatter them all around the floor and table with a few sweeps of your hands.
*You stand up on your tippy-toes, reach over your head and pull down all the neat, organized stacks of paper on my desk.
*You also sit quietly under my desk and empty the trash can onto the floor, piece by piece.
*I put your hat on, you take it off. I put your hat on, you take it off.

You have a sweet, gentle, content spirit that brings peace and joy to our home. I can’t imagine our family without you.

35 comments on “She’s one”

  1. happy birth and birthing day!!sweet sweet post. thanks for sharing.

    i too had a blood clot during my last pregnancy….did the shots twice a day [made my dh woozie, so i did it myself and would do a mad scientist laugh each time to make it a little more light hearted] sometimes my older dd’s would give me the shots….homeschooling at it’s finest? 🙂

    i also remember doing that diaper flip giggle with my own mom…. i remember thinking it was a fun game, oh, my mom would get frustrated and sometimes she would play back. one of those rare early early memories that i hold very dear.

    keep enjoying 🙂

  2. Happy Birthday Elizabeth!

    Sounds so close to my Harriet. She loves toilets, garbage, flower pots, and she even pulls water down from her sisters night stand. Everywhere really and of course faster than the wind so we can never get to her before she’s sopping wet.

  3. Happy Birthday Elizabeth!

    Sounds so close to my Harriet. She loves toilets, garbage, flower pots, and she even pulls water down from her sisters night stand. Everywhere really and of course faster than the wind so we can never get to her before she’s sopping wet.

  4. Happy ,Happy Birthday to you Elizabeth! What a blessing you are to your family! Cheers for many more to come!

  5. Happy Birthday sweet girl, you little miracle you! Your post makes me think of the “Renee and Jeremy” song Little Miracle. Are you the star, are you the moon, are you a watermelon bug in June? Your a miracle. Anyway, lovely post and happy one year mama!

  6. Happy birthday to you, Elizabeth! Happy one year (+!) to you, Mama! This is so lovely, as is everything you write about your delightful girls…

  7. Elizabeth is so precious . . . I love that picture of her sitting under the mobile looking down. Her chubby little cheeks and legs . . . Oh My! Happy Birthday, Elizabeth. May you grow up to treasure the One who knit you together in your mother’s womb.

  8. Happy birthday, Elizabeth! I can’t believe it has been a year. Dimples or potholes, whichever — I hope you are free of them for a while!

  9. Happy first birthday, Elizabeth!!! What a precious gift and little miracle God has given you. All those little things that drive you crazy are a pretty good indication that she’s perfectly normal and healthy. Funny how that works!

  10. Hi! I’m coming out of lurking to say Happy Birthday to your sweet girl!

    My oldest son (now 4 years old) was born with a knotted umbilical cord wrapped around his neck as well. My doctor told me he shouldn’t have lived more than 4 months inside of me…God is so good! Protecting our little ones even in the womb.

  11. Happiest of birthdays Elizabeth! I can’t believe you are already one! Hugs to you and your mum-mum on this special day – go give your sisters a kiss for me 🙂

  12. Oh, those dear legs, a girl after my own heart!Such happy memories have been brought back by both columns, I can almost feel, touch smell them. Many years ago I clipped a little article from the paper, one line is: “When I hug you I can still smell the faint baby smell of your neck, of course I can, you are my daughter.” Enjoy!

  13. Happy birthday, Elizabeth. May your life be all sweetness and laughter! And congratulations, Mommy Molly, she is beautiful and healthy and happy! It’s funny that your things you love about Elizabeth are very unique, but many of the things she does that drive you nuts are the same things CC does that drive me nuts! We must get these girls together! When? Patricia

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