I’m turning in to a total hermit this winter. The girls and I hardly go anywhere. It’s cold, windy and packing up three children takes so much coordinating and time. Well, actually, it’s the finding shoes and socks part that takes so much time, I think.
Anyway, you’d think we’d be going crazy staying home all the time, but I’ve actually found that my children get in to this groove of play when it’s not interrupted by errand-running. My house may be a mess as a result, but man oh man, my girls are getting some hard-core playing on. Good stuff.
This afternoon while (I thought) everyone else was napping, Emma and I decided to try Cassi’s icicle craft. Of course the minute we got really into it, Elizabeth woke up and Mary wandered out of her room. They were messy, but fun and beautiful. And you’re getting zero glitter-factor in these pictures, but they really catch the light coming through our window. They are looking pretty beautiful from where I’m sitting right now.
We’ve also been watching these awesome Preschool Power, Montessori videos that I checked out of the library. If you don’t mind some great 80s background music and coordinated gym suits, then these videos are great for your little ones. They show preschoolers doing things like folding laundry, arranging flowers in florist foam, dusting, making orange juice, signing "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star". We don’t really watch TV anymore, but this video is too fun to pass up. And I sit in the background making appropriate comments like, "I can’t believe that little boy is old enough to fold his own laundry!" and "Oh my goodness! He puts it away, too!!" or "Do you see how that little girl can set the table so neatly?!" They’re totally falling for it.
And you’d think with all this staying home, my laundry would be finished? I just heard a thud in the hallway. It was Emma, tripping over the laundry pile.
I was just thinking the same thing this morning, that I am really treasuring the :at home: time right now. But trying not to feel too guilty about not getting them out and about more. But my guys are so into dressing up as knights and squires and conjuring up stories, that there are times I don’t want to interrupt them.
Too funny, we checked out Preschool Power last week for the car trip home. DD loved it. Hubby and I had fun laughing at the neon early 90’s clothing but agreed, nice Montessori type viewing pleasure for the littles.
I can totally relate to this post. We have been happily playing at home for weeks. The only thing I want to leave the house for is a good long walk, which I should probably do before the next storm hits. Love the icicles – perhaps we will give those a try. I recently hung all my twiggy stars in the tree just outside our family room window and I love watching them twirl in the wind. Happy hibernating!
Good to know we’re not the only ones hanging out inside. It’s rainy and bleh out there, and cozy and calm in here.
She’s looking so old, Molly!
oh i wish i had that video! i could use some laundry help.
i am with you on staying in. if we could, we most certainly would!
Elizabeth has gotten so big. Wow. We were suffering from cabin fever here but I know what you mean about the wind. It keeps waking us up at night.
We’re quite the homebodies ourselves. icicles that glitter? We might have to do that too.Looks like you’re having fun.
ha! love the comments you make in the background! I just left home for the first time since Monday…
I love those icicles. There’s always time for cleaning later! Play on!
Oh that little dolly is so smoochy looking these days! She’s getting so big!
Never mind that laundry, just soak in the snuggly warmth of your hermitage!
I’ve been hibernating too, its so cold here, but I love the excuse to ignore the piles of laundry (and dishes…and other things) and just quilt by the fire, reading book, watching movies watching them as they play and develop into little people…
I love being the hermit – it does cut both ways. The house gets messy and while the kids do wonderfully without the schlepping during the day, their cabin-fever becomes evident the minute their dad walks in the door. Your persuasive comments crack me up!
you are a genius at making me laugh! If i could ever invite you and yours here..you’d best be wearing helmets and other safety gear. if you fell over my laundry pile you’d need the E.R!because i know you’ll ‘understand’…i’ll share that i bought 21 pairs of socks yesterday. that’s 7 pairs per child. what’s the betting we won’t find a match by monday? And the uninterrupted play thing..ours love that. they get COMPLETELY immersed in playing that time flies. Yesterday they broke up 2 huge blocks of packing polystyrene to make snow. so creative. so inspired. so ludicrously irritating…but they were quiet!
I am right there with you, unless we are soaking up sunshine our favorite way to be is all together, right here at home. My all-time favorite is when the time changes in October and mother nature gives you an excuse and permission to be at home and in your PJ’s by 5:15.My goodness that baby girl has gotten big!We will definitely need to try to find those videos, my boys would sooo dig that!!
look at your little one! she is getting so big – where’d the newborn go? sounds like a nice cozy start to winter.
I paid Aidin a quarter yesterday to fold a load of laundry for me. And I wish, how I wish, I could stay home and hunker down. Ah well.
another hermit checking in. i feel moments of guilt about not getting the boys out more, but i agree with you totally about that groove. d described it as being “in another dimension”, lol. the days feel loooooong when they’re not broken up with errands, and play and projects seem to grow and grow. :^)
I totally hear you about not packing up 3 kids to go out. I am a total hermit anyway, getting out about 3x per week. I love it though. I keep plenty busy. LOL about the video. Enjoy it while they are buying it ;o)
I have been reading your blog for a few weeks now. Really enjoying it. Somehow, it takes me back to Little House on The Prarie, although I can’t pinpoint exactly why. You have a precious family and you sound like a wonderful mother. You stopped over at my blog when you were reading Betsy’s post. Just wanted to say hello and thanks. Blessings, Pam
It’s the shoes and effing SOCKS that get me, too!
I called it ‘cabin fever’ this morning (in my blog post), but you’re right, it’s really just the kids in their own groove. With some kids (like mine) the noise level is normal, just abnormally LOUD within the house. Otherwise, it’s something that normally rings outside, this boistrous boy energy. You can’t bridle it indoors on a rainy day.
Happy New Year, Molly! I wish for that hermit lifestyle; I could have easily enjoyed being a mother of two little girls! It sounds like fun 🙂
Preschool power! We love those videos. After seeing a few from the library, I ferreted out two copies at yard sales.
I am new to your blog and can already tell I’ll enjoy reading here!