It’s friday and I have that full and satisfied feeling. It has been a good week. My second day of homeschooling ended in tears (mine), but this week, I really feel good about it all. Really good. I’ll share a little more about what I’m doing next week. I’ve been meaning too.
Meanwhile, here are some favorites for today:
::this song/video. I haven’t figured it all out yet, what it all means–the lyrics, the images in the video. but dan and i love this singer/songwriter. the poetry of his lyrics are unmatched in this day, in my opinion. more of him here and here. (including free downloads–"she held my hand" is a fave.)
::I want to open up something exactly like this in my town. I really, really do. It’s always been a bit of a dream. (found via little red caboose)
::the alpha-birdy-bet in progress. created by paula at jupiter buttons. i am champing at the bit for this one to be offered in her "future" esty shop.
::I’m also in love with the picture at the top of this post (of course I like it bigger). It was taken Thursday at Emma’s riding lesson. The picture is of mary getting her ‘laps around the barn’. Emma and Amy, her instructor, give mary some bareback time at the end of every lesson. I was standing there watching them, enjoying the moment and the light and realized I had my camera stashed in my back pocket. One of the few times I’ve wished I had my camera, and there it was. Another one here (which dan liked better), shows the view out the end of the barn. beautiful.
::and I’m pretty much in love with anything from this catalog. especially this (including that haircut!) and this. (kneesocks and all)
::and since flickr is ‘having a massage’ at the moment, i’ll save my favorites from there for next week. some good stuff to share, though.
hope you all have a lovely weekend. eat local. plan your menus. be together with the ones you love.
That picture is gorgeous! Those links are terrific and I enjoyed checking them out.
Enjoy your weekend!!
I love that picture, images like that evoke thought to me, I love that.
Sounds like you may be going through the same Kindergarten adjustment that Ian is! Hang in there, as you will…you will reap huge benefits. I would homeschool if I had any patience at all.
Lovely post Molly. Have a great weekend x
have a great weekend molly! love that photo, too!
So sweet that Mary gets a turn too. Off to look at some of your links…
love that cafe logo. We used to have a place like that here called the Family Room, but it closed before we ever had a chance to go. Everyone raved about it, so I’m not sure if it moved or closed permanently.
That was a lovely post. I agree – that song is a little odd, the images… intense? I think the windmill are a little Don Quixote-esque (?) I loved all of the religious and political imagery that were wrapped up into that beautiful little piece of art.The photo of the girls and horses was gorgeous.Will you come to St.Paul and start that same restaurant when you get here? Thanks. 🙂
I love that photo! 🙂 What a great post!
Great post.
I have a dream to start something of my own too! Over the years I have rolled around ideas of a flower shop, children’s bookshop, a child/parent cafe, a classic toy store, a children’s creative workshop of sorts etc. MAybe a shop with a bit of EVERYTHING? I have notebooks filled with ideas. I would love to throw out ideas with you.
Do you know Rosie Thomas?
Here is a link: that song. Truth be told, I tear up sometimes watching it because the message is so real to me.
I’m so glad that you had a good week with schooling – it’s very satisfying when you do. It makes up for all the tears and hair pulling (your hair) and the ‘why did I say I would do this’ feelings.
Hi Mol. I don’t get that video/song either but for some reason it made me tear up? Maybe I’m cracking up…
I miss Dan so much. I wish I was better about keeping touch. Please tell him he is on my mind a lot.
Thanks for sharing all the great links, Molly. Except now I’ll be sitting at the computer for the rest of the day 😉 Is Steven Delopoulos from Burlap to Cashmere? I loved them and his voice sounds so familiar. Great song, but I don’t totally get it either. The little nest is such a fabulous idea! I wish there were more like it. I haven’t caught up with you in a while, but I’d love to hear how homeschool is going.