15 comments on “A Sure Sign of Spring: playing streamside”
Molly, I’m glad you guys are getting out and enjoying yourselves!!! What wonderful pictures of what looks like a wonderful time for the girls. Hope you are getting some much needed sleep and the baby is doing well 🙂
That looks like so much fun! I need to come visit and go stream wading soon. I can’t wait to see the baby!!! Love to all of you, and kisses to the girls. xoxo
Boots and a mini – too funny. I remember how my oldest would always start near a stream, creek, or any body of water, but inevitably peel off the layers. Looks like much fun.
where you live looks like heaven… where I live we are in the middle of a long drought and everything is brown and dusty… the vivid green of your grass is devine… I’m jealous.
Whew, what a relief! I initially thought the mud spots were leeches! Mud I can deal with (albeit not well) but the thought of leeches on my little girls just about makes me feel faint!
Molly, I’m glad you guys are getting out and enjoying yourselves!!! What wonderful pictures of what looks like a wonderful time for the girls. Hope you are getting some much needed sleep and the baby is doing well 🙂
looks like you are having a good time!
Wonderful photos!Is that river near your house –> so jealous!!
good clean fun!
That looks like so much fun! I need to come visit and go stream wading soon. I can’t wait to see the baby!!! Love to all of you, and kisses to the girls. xoxo
wow- what beautiful surroundings! I would get nothing done if I lived near that stream- great shots of your girls too!
What a nice day, except for the falling in up to your chin part. Although, that looks like it turned out alright.
My dad’s saying: “This is gonna end in tears!” 🙂 It still looks like fun though.
Boots and a mini – too funny. I remember how my oldest would always start near a stream, creek, or any body of water, but inevitably peel off the layers. Looks like much fun.
just think, in two years, there will be a third little girl romping in the stream. yay for warmer weather!!
What fun! I wish we had a stream nearby. Oh, wait, we do, but it is surrounded by poison ivy. Have fun creek stomping for us, will you, please?
where you live looks like heaven… where I live we are in the middle of a long drought and everything is brown and dusty… the vivid green of your grass is devine… I’m jealous.
boots + skirt pic is my favorite. footloose and fancy free. so cute!
Whew, what a relief! I initially thought the mud spots were leeches! Mud I can deal with (albeit not well) but the thought of leeches on my little girls just about makes me feel faint!
These pictures are adorable! Congrats on your new little one!