I’m sure most of you have heard of the whiplash competition over at whipup. This was a project I whipped up over the weekend, without the competition in mind. Then, I later realized that it fit perfectly with this week’s theme.
I purchased these plain tshirts at a shop with plans to add a little personal touch.
I’d much rather be the author of my children’s clothing than a chain store’s tacky slogans and tee fronts littered with beads and glitter. Forgive me if I’d rather my four-year-old’s tee didn’t advertise her sassy-ness or that fact that she was ‘too hot to handle’.
So, this is my own simple design. Easy, everyday, classic, censored, and all mine.
Your shirts are great!
I’ve been meaning to do the same for my boys, but… well… I’ve been *meaning to.* Life has just gotten the better of me.
Yeah for you!
They look so nice! Fantastic colors, I especially like the sky blues with browns. Makes me wish I was better friends with my sewing machine…
So fun! I am totally with you on avoiding the normal store bought shirts that are out there right now! I am planning on doing some clothing reconstruction(instead of buying new) since I noticed my daughter is growing out of some of her clothes. This gives me a few more good ideas. Thanks!
These are great! And I hear you about the obnoxious shirts & slogans! I’m appalled that clothes marketed to 8 year olds and toddlers have “hottie” and “flirt” and that sort of thing–crazy! You’ve given me an idea to extend the life of some of my little one’s clothing. You know the ones that become permanently stained with chocolate, catsup, whatever after the first wearing? Well, a strategically placed patch of fabric might just do the trick! Thanks for the inspiration!!
does your amazing ness never stop? oh i wish i was this cool 🙂
love the shirts – i have been planning some for my two littles, but haven’t bitten the bullet yet..you have inspired me
so fun! thanks for the idea!
That’s a great idea and a great way to say no to all those horrid chain-store shirts.. Yours are just so much better.
Good job!
Great idea!And what a lovely fabric on the brown t-shirt!
Very nice. I did something similar for my nieces just yesterday. It was a lot of fun and they have something original (and age appropriate)
These are wonderful! Great job!!!
These are fabulous t’s!! A great way to snaz them up!!
Yea some of these little girls shirts creep me out, even ones that say “Little Princess” on them bug me for some reason. I love these shirts!! you are so creative!!
those look so good…I hope you win!! lol. have they announced yet?
also, I really am eyeing your necklaces! I am coveting that greeny-brown one. sigh. being poor.. it stinks! lol. I’m hoping if it’s still around this weekend after I make all my monthly bill payments and such that I might be able to purchase it! if not, it better go to a good home! 🙂
I could not agree with you more about not wanting to have my young child serve as a billboard for someone’s brand name. And it is amazing how inappropriate some of the messages that are out there for young girls.
I think your shirts are fab! I am really in a blue and brown place as of late, so they totally made me smile!
you’ve got my vote!!! LOVE these TEES!!! and you couldn’t have said it better about the dreadful commercial T’s available for kids…
love this – and *huge* ditto to the “too hot to handle” comment! the sad thing is that folks actually buy those inappropriately tagged items! Does my (almost) 3 year old really need to be branded a “princess in training” or “brat”?!? Ugh!
Love the little Tees. Great thinking Molly. I wonder if my boys will let me do that to their t’s?
Those are so great! And I totally share your feelings about kids clothing today in the stores, awful!
Too cute. And I like your thinking.
I really like those tees! I totally agree with you about finding clothing appropriate for your kids. When one of my daughters was in 4th grade, a boy in her class wore a shirt to school from abercr*mbie that said “your mom is hot!” I couldn’t believe a parent would allow their child to put that on! Anyways, enough said. You did a great job. I played with some tees from AC Moore yesterday and made my kids some with iron-on transfers that turned out really cute. You can see them on my blog.