
Honesty is the best policy…

So, I have to be honest. It’s friday and I’m on my computer. But for the record, I have had A LOT of computer free days this week, though not by choice.
We have been so busy…realtors, potential buyers, packing, and just lots of time of sitting on the sofa with Dan talking things out, making a game plan. I’m overwhelmed, but okay. Excited, but each day contemplating and taking in the things that I will miss about this place.
But, I’m on the computer. So I had to fess up. I just needed a little comp-time today.

So, I have to be honest. It’s friday and I’m on my computer. But for the record, I have had A LOT of computer free days this week, though not by choice.

We have been so busy…realtors, potential buyers, packing, and just lots of time of sitting on the sofa with Dan talking things out, making a game plan. I’m overwhelmed, but okay. Excited, but each day contemplating and taking in the things that I will miss about this place.

But, I’m on the computer. So I had to fess up. I just needed a little comp-time today.

6 comments on “Honesty is the best policy…”

  1. aw..that’s ok…look where I am….on the puter! But…i was just looking up your address..there may or may not be a little something coming your way soon!! 🙂 But, I will confess, I have been on all morning…..:)loves!!!

  2. LOL I too have to confess that I was on the computer yesterday. But, like yourself, I had some pc-free days this week too. My 7mo has decided sleep is not an option this week and I’ve been flat out keeping her entertained while I tried to get some housework and some volunteer newsletter editing done.

    Congrats on the move! It’d be nice to be near your family – mine are 800 kilometres away from where I live (that’s about 500 miles for you Americans 🙂 ), so I know what you mean.

    Good luck with the move – it’s amazing what turns up when you’re packing everything up!!

  3. ok by me!! I think packing up a family and a house would be sooooo overwheling, I hope you have help. I love your idea though of having a computer free day. I’ve been thinking alot about that lately since you started doing it. Have a great weekend.

  4. Ha!!! Don’t fret my friend. Just a concept, not a law, this whole comp-free idea. Sort of like dieting, sometimes you just want some dessert, regardless! Sounds like life is crazy, but I am ecstatic you guys are moving. I have only moved quickly, like this move for you. I think its the only way to do it, wouldn’t want to take weeks and weeks to pack up, cause I’d still wait till the last minute. That’s my style: ) xo

  5. totally understandable!!!!praying for you! i know moving is crazy, but you can do it!!! with your fam i am sure you will have so much help on the other end.

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