Thanks to everyone who has signed up so far for the miniswap and for all your enthusiasm. I’ve really enjoyed peeking at everyone’s blogs and websites. I can only imagine the kinds of treats our children will be receiving in the mail. And I think one of the neatest things is that the swappers are from all over the world!! I am going to try to get together a frappr map for everyone to sign, so we can see where everything is coming from.
We have now jumped over the 50 participants mark, so I’m going to close signups at the end of today. I am staying on top of replying to everyone’s emails and adding them to an email list for communication. But please be sure to send an email to the mini swap address that is in the first post, instead of just leaving a comment.
I forgot to mention that I’d like to put together a flickr gallery at the end of the swapping, so I’m hoping everyone has the resources to do this? If you don’t have one already, flickr accounts are free and easy to set up. Otherwise, if all else fails, I guess you could email a digital photo to me….
Also, some of you signed up your little ones. Once partners are passed out, you might want to contact them with ideas for your child. Or perhaps the package could also include some activities to use as your child gets a little older…just thinking out loud on this one…..
And finally, here is the HTML code if you want to include a button on your blog…I think this should work if you copy and paste it into one of your lists…blair, help me on this one??
<a target=_top HREF=""> <img
src="" border="0"></A>
Once the signups close tonight, I hope to have names swapped by the end of the weekend (as long as my girls keep taking these great afternoon naps).
Looking forward to the swap and seeing all the wonderful packages from your talented families.
just wanted to pop in and let you know I think your miniswap is such a great idea. i’ve sworn off any swaps or collaborative projects for the next month or two while i get caught up on other things, but i hope you’ll do it again. my kids would love to participate.
Darn it..I’m a day late and a dollar short! 🙁 If you re-open the sign up sheet for some reason please let me know, would love to join!
Oh, dag. I missed the deadline. If you change your mind please let me know. I’d love to include my kids if there’s another!
molly, this particular swap is a BRILLIANT idea… so bummed that I missed out on it as I know that ava would’ve really enjoyed it! hopefully, this one will be a raging success and you’ll do another one so that I can jump on the bandwagon…! good for you for coming up with such a great idea!