Emma broke out the the dot paints today and I decided to let mary join in instead of the usual–Emma screeching at her to stay away while she’s working. It was much better this way. These paints are great because they are easy to get out, easy to work with and easy to put away. I highly recommend them for those days when kids want to paint, but you’re not ready for the big mess of typical paints. This project took place while I was washing dishes in the kitchen. It quickly deteriorated to Emma painting mary’s cheeks, nose, chin and hands. Which then turned in to mary figuring out that "hey, I guess this is what you do with the stuff.", and she finished off the job by coloring her earlobes, tongue, arms and overalls. Thank goodness for non-toxic, washable paint.
Here is a recipe from my sister that I made yesterday. She calls them "Fiber Balls"–not a very glamorous name, but they sure are good. A few pointers from my sister and me: the coconut is optional, but good; roll them in to small balls, they are very sweet; it calls for nuts, I used peanuts because that’s what I had in my pantry; use the cup of nuts/raisins in whatever ratio you like, I used more raisins. They are so good, you’ll think you’re eating cookie dough! Enjoy.
Thanks so much for the paint and cookie tips!
Very cool, I made your pumpkin bread and it was really really good. I was going to take a picture but my mom and sister came over and both loves were gone in about a day and 1/2. I’m going to try these “fibar balls” though I think I’ll tell Jack they are called cookies, he’s more likely to eat them that way.
Hi Molly – your fiber balls sound great! They look a little like your O’Henry Bars. Delicious!!Love,MargaretP.S. The picture is cute!
Molly,I’m glad you found my blog so I could find yours. I scrolled through your posts and sidebar. I love all the pictures. I tried to post a picture on my blog once but it didn’t work out.shalom,Christie
I think I will be making those, looks pretty tasty too.
10 minutes of painting one hour of cleaning. I have a similar recipe we call them “bliss balls”.
I’ve got to get some of those dot paints… ava would love them!
and I’m SO trying that recpe for fiber balls (hilarious name!)… sounds so good to me right now.